As bad as Disney is, it was really George that ruined Star Wars when he introduced the concept of Midi-Chlorians...

As bad as Disney is, it was really George that ruined Star Wars when he introduced the concept of Midi-Chlorians. It completely ruined the magic of the series and shows that George never really understood what made Star Wars so special in the first place.

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The disney plus shows will rewrite the sequel movies

It doesn't matter. The point is that Star Wars was ruined before Disney even took over. The prequels and specifically Midi-Chlorians ruined Star Wars forever.

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The dumbest part about the midichlorians concept is that it was introduced in the prequels and then never mentioned again in the films that follow chronologically.
It makes the Jedi seem retarded that they have forgotten the science and history that makes them special.

don't care, the prequels are still kino

How exactly does midichlorians ruin anything?

Midi-Chlorians were pretty bad. But it didn't ruined Star Wars like Rey somehow being good at force while lacking any training whatsoever.
Midi-Chlorians don't really go against what it was estabelished before.
Rey not getting immediately BTFO by Kylo on the other hand...

The worst part about Midi-Chlorians is that it ruins the spirituality element to Star Wars. Humans are spiritual beings, and although many of us are very intelligent and deny concepts such as god in favor of fact and science, we still have this side to us that yearns for answers. The truth is that we need spirituality to cope with our existence and the reason Star Wars was so successful is it allowed people to indulge in these concepts without scrutiny and ridicule, albeit in a rather childish and immature way, it still allows us to fulfil this yearning inside ourselves. It's a universe where advanced technology exists with the empire and their deathstars and giant walking robots, and yet you have this wise passive hermit who teaches us that within ourselves we have something greater, a spiritual force of good that can save us and enlighten us. By introducing Midi-Chlorians George took this concept away, and instead made it scientific, saying it's some biological force created by these microorganisms. This completely goes against the messages of the original films and ruins them. Without this spiritual element it's just brainless science fiction action adventure.


Nah, it wasn't Midichlorian bullshit which showed his incompetence. It was really stark when you watch Empire Strikes Back and then Return of the Jedi. The quality plummets quite clearly. Only the throne room scenes were good in Return of the Jedi.

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>It completely ruined the magic of the series
How? Midi-chlorians aren't the Force.

we were already taught that life sucked for the vast majority.
a myriad of characters and yet only a handful of magic niggers in the story.
you're just naive and retarded if you think "the force" was ever supposed to be something anyone could wield.

george may have ruined the prequels but at least he was trying to add some depth to the saga.

what do the sequels try to add to star wars?

troll thread

Cool reddit opinion bro. Next time why don’t you drop your expert knowledge about how cock tastes, or how it feels to get railed in the ass by black men. Upvoted!

Lucas is bad has been done to death. Disney made the same mistakes yet received little backlash.

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>As bad as Disney is, it was really George that ruined Star Wars
shill alert

I don't know why people get so filtered by that, the concept of Midi-Chlorians is just a way to "power level" a living thing regarding it's capacity to use Force powers.

It's pretty clear that Midi-Chlorians is just a technological term to describe something which is far far beyond the comphreension of any technlogy, it's like when people say that Ghosts have EVP or saying that people who have PSP activate certain parts of the brain that people usually don't activate.

If the backslash wasn't so huge maybe George would have developed more kino moments regarding Midi-Chlorians.

Cringe. Take the midi-chlorian blackpill, everything is determined at birth, you either have it or you don't. You will never compare to a genetically superior force user.

>saying that people who have PSP activate certain parts of the brain that people usually don't activate.
Depends on what games you play on it.

>everything is determined at birth,
its amazing how retarded people who think this are