Maybe putin should watch this masterpiece to realise that war is.... LE BAD

Maybe putin should watch this masterpiece to realise that war is.... LE BAD

Attached: WARISLEBAD.png (1469x881, 2.18M)

Wow hahah more epic memery!!! Wow haha this guy regurgitated the memes!

t. Ukraine

Putin is like voldemort kamala harris is hermione

seething Cuckrainian

how is lotr's
any better than this?

For real Putin would ban this movie, even if the nazis are 100% bad guys.

But this movie would reaffirm his motive for invading, the Ukrainians are bad guys in this movie.

Hope your house doesnt get hit by artillery

Ok, NOW shit has hit the fan

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can't stop winning NATObros

You're laughing. There are people dying in Ukraine and you're laughing.

Oh no Russians will have to continue using VPNs

russia bros... i dont feel so good

It's only bad when you're losing. BASED Putin gonna win!

That is a spot on impersonation of my shitting face. Also my cum face.

>Russia always makes movies about how the nahzees killed their people n shiet
>Does the same shit to other people then calls THEM nazis when they fight back

Russian B

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rush b(erlin)