Thank God Japan exist and i can watch anime instead of godawful pozzed hollywood media

Thank God Japan exist and i can watch anime instead of godawful pozzed hollywood media.

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yeah, you can watched pozzed japanese media

i want to fuck this loli

Ironically this shit is way more likely to turn you into a tranny than watching trannies in a Hollywood production. It's actual psychological warfare that slowly but surely rewires your brain.

>Even anime is getting pozzed
Thanks america

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As opposed to what? Some soulless chink films?

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ahh yes the "trad" values of raping little kids and sucking cocks while crossdressing

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America ruins everything. Save a bunch of unpozzed anime now so you have a backlog for when the medium is completely pozzed and they inevitably start yanking the old based ones from availability also.
I cannot explain how diamonds this anime made me.

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The level of "pozzing" in Japanese media is where the USA was at in the early 90s.

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It's what they did in Greece and Rome. But you go ahead and betabuxx for a dried up barren whore that cucks you with chad on the side.

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Forigen media is the only place to get stories that arent pozzed with jewish shit

is this real???

T-this is an edit, right?

>they inevitably start yanking the old based ones from availability
Unless they somehow unmake torrents, they won't be able to yank shit.

so basically, you're a pedophile happy that you're being pandered to.

>tranime cartoons for kids
ok fag

> UOOOHHHH: The thread

Japan is occupied and has it's constitution written by Jews

>tranny revisionism

Torrents die out eventually user, so yes they can't yank from torrents but the rule still applies that if you want a decent library it's best to start now. And I'm sure these cucks will find someway to poison torrenting anyway.

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>Torrents die out eventually user
No they don't.

>implying childrens holes aren't literally dried up compared to wet adult pussy
small dick loser detected

When zoomers say "trad" they mean post-WW2 Israelmerica

>They're piloting a giant mech which is a physical metaphor for sex, which is why it looks like doggystyle
>Male/Female teams, females "become" the mech itself, males control the female's actions
>They're also like 14 so they have no idea what they're doing
>Kinda like Pacific Rim if they had to shag to get the fucker walking
>Overwhelming stress of embodying the mech caused the female, known as Miku, to shit herself

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>tranime is based, hollywood is POZZED bc full of trannies and fags!
>but tranime is full of fags and trannies thoughever
>uh tranime is based because it's full of trannies and fags! were jusit like ancient greece or somethign

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Yes they do when people stop seeding and no one is there to give a shit. One day an anime will stop seeding and no one will ever seed it again.
Well I'm more into the hebe range that you still consider "children" and no they are not dried up they are peak fertile.


But the torrent still exists.
Also popular shows never stop seeding.
I can STILL go download Sailor Moon or Slayers and have a bunch of seeders.