Chernobyl season 2 incoming!

What twists will we see this time?

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why the fuck would they even want Chernobyl?

I support russia my anime voice actor says so!

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its still an operating power plant

Shortest way to Keiv

Chernobyl is fairly safe these days. It’s a tourist attraction.

But it’s very close to Kiev and suggests Putin wants to take Ukraine’s capital.

COD:MW wasn't supposed to be a documentary!

Yukiko wilin’ again frfr

Wait, wasn't it already in Russia? This some Mandingo shit

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Completely uninhabitable, for a minimum of 100 years

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what fucking tranny is that?

>Wait, wasn't it already in Russia? This some Mandingo shit
literally what did he mean by this

Are you retarded? It’s on the border of Belarus and Ukraine, which were both part of the Soviet Union when the disaster occurred.

Most intelligent Geography student from America

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Don't be retarded

Time to re watch it

What a dumb fucking bitch holy fuck

not since 2000 bro

the fuel cell from Transformers: Dark of the Moon

Its fucking happening bros

I don't follow politics. Who are the good guys here?

who dis

It’s not actually uninhabitable. It’s all a lie and the beet farmers will spill the beans soon enough

I don't care about your foreign bullshit

Neither. Russians are absolute dickheads for invading, though. Ukraine knew it was coming and offered more concessions concerning the breakaway regions.

Me. Just me

*should have offered more concessions

Ukraine is on the border of Russia. Russia does not want Ukraine in NATO. NATO is hostile to Russia and uses the Ukraine as a basis for missile defense systems (which could be used for offensive attacks). If the Ukraine were allowed to join NATO then any hostilities between Russia and the Ukraine would cause every NATO country to go to war with Russia. Basically Russia wants the countries on its borders to either be friendly to Russia or neutral. Ukraine however is continually trying to join NATO, the U.S. wants Ukraine to join NATO, and everyone refuses to give any assurance that Ukraine will not be allowed into NATO.

AWL has been a nobody for at least a decade. Technically she always was because anime VAs don't matter.

>doesn’t know shit about geography
>brings up nigger porn star at every single possible nanosecond of opportunity
Being American will be declared a mental illness by 2025.

Thanks for the excellent QRD

This. Russians fucked up but it's not like it matters. Foreign bugs doing foreign shit.

The Ukrainian people

NATO are the bad guys

Trump never did a single anti-LGBTQBBQLOL thing and yet these people act like he was going around personally slaughtering then for fun in his free time.

okay boris

can someone please explain the current geopolitical crisis with harry potter analogies?

my children's future landlords, welcome

>still zero evidence of any war happening beyond tranny checkmarks on twitter saying so
>suddenly Any Forums believes tranny twitteroids

So what's preventing Ukraine from joining NATO now and having NATO nations go to war with Russia?

Putin want to get to wish granter in sarcophagus to wish to be taller

why do women have this attitude nowadays? they talk so vicious and inhuman, filled with hated and bile. its horrifying, like watching people slowly become possessed by a satanic evil force.

The idea that the us & nato would invade one of the top three nuclear powers is patently absurd. Missile defense systems can only do so much and would be useless against icbm's, especially those launched against the us
No one wants to see the world turn to ash.
This is just putin being a dick, not that ukraine hasn't provoked him, but he's still a real jerk nonetheless.

impressively retarded, even for what i'm going to take on faith is a woman

t. mutt who almost went to war because Russia built silos in Cuba

replace the word NATO with jews and your post is correct
ukraine is a liberal jewish breakaway country
imagine if california decided to secede

>Completely uninhabitable, for a minimum of 100 years

He talks about the result of broken down reactor or communism?

the reason ukraine kept puffing out their chest is because they thought by sucking globohomo dick hard enough they would get rescued lol

i guess no one told them about the current state of american and its military

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Voldemort is…I dunno sending dementors to fucking hufflepuff or something