Have you ever fallen asleep during a movie in theaters?

Which movie was it?

For me, it was this is the end.
Slept right through it and I remember feeling very refreshed afterwards.
It wasn't on purpose, obviously.

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No. I think even if I was really exhausted and the movie was incredibly boring, I still wouldn't be able to with the noise.

Happens to me guaranteed if I lay the seat back all the way.

Friends and I pregamed before seeing Rogue One in theaters because none of us gave a shit about Star Wars anyways. I drank a bunch and smoked some weed, got crossfaded and passed out right as the movie was beginning. Woke up and a bunch of Asians were dying on a dreary beach.

The older I get the more it happens :( last time was on Saturday during Blacklight. Damn what a piece of shit flick, but now I need to start taking naps before going to the movies.

I nearly fell asleep during Transformers (the 4th I think. The one in China) idk man it was just mindless action with no story and China is so fucking boring

Only one time ever. I took this girl to see that awful Mark Wahlberg movie Contraband, it was a packed theater, 7 pm showing opening night, I was excited to see i for some reason.

Movie starts, and the next thing I know I'm waking up as the credits roll. Had no idea how I passed out, but that movie put me into a fucking coma. Still haven't finished it to this day

All the time. The most I ever slept was during Rise of Skywalker. My cousin and I ate a cheese board, then partway through the movie I kept falling asleep and missed like half the movie. The Last Jedi was shit too, but at least it was shit in a way that was captivating, Rise of Skywalker was just fucking boring and basic as hell. Palpatine is back then Rey kills him, wow...

I don't understand how anyone could, cinemas being so fucking loud.
I did have to leave a movie because of diarrhea once though.

How about you spoiler that shit you fucking asshole I dont get off work for another three hours and I had been looking foward to this all week. Seriously, fuck you. I bet you thought you'd be all hip and with it and talk about it with your Any Forums bros. You ruined my fucking evening you neet piece of shit.

Fell asleep for the last 45 mins of Force Awakens.

lmao I hope this is real. hope I spared you from an incredibly boring movie. you're welcome

Yeah but you'll never guess HOW Palpatine returns.

Haha cope fast food wagie

Ya during my 3rd time seeing fellowship of the ring in a day. I used to have bad sleep apnea and it made me a zombie most of the time. Just couldn't make it through the whole thing.
I went back and saw it two more times the next day to make up for it. Ah those were the days when movies were worth paying to see more than once.

Once, during The Inbetweeners 2. I was so hungover and out of it that I just passed out.

I didn't see it but didn't it come out like 3 years ago?

Ridley Scott Blade Runner revival showing I snuck beer into.

Fell asleep almost immediately watching black panther. Woke up at the CGI rhinos and couldn't stop laughing

Mine was pic related. Fuck what a snorefest.

I was 14 and saw it with my gf at the time, and both of us legitamately fell asleep about 45 minutes in and woke up during the final sequence right before the credits. To date, it's the most boring film I've ever seen. People say there's few things worse than an unfunny comedy, and a comedy that doesn't even try to be funny is one of them. A shame too because even at that age I was a big fan of Steve Martin.

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But you havent seen it.

Yeah watching Batman vs Superman

Kek. I saw 45 minutes of it, that counts.

Black people stole my cinema.

Yes, once, during Hart's War. Shit was lame