/trekaiju/:Invasion Edition

Previous:In honor of WW3 happening roughly IRL at the same time as the Eugenics War in Star Trek it's time for /Trekaiju/!

Normal/Trek/ rules apply¶ Feel free to add any crossfiction you like as long as it fits somehow¶ Your Trek/Buffy/Tohu Fan fic involving Illyria, Biollante and Spock having a three way is welcome¶ Be excellent to each other.

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The official Lower Decks video game is now available for download on both iOS and Android! startreklowerdecksmobilegame.com/

I played it and it’s very fun!

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make real new

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Only in Aus, NZ and the Philippines or something so far. At least as of earlier today.

Is it available on CD, DVD and VHS?

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Looks hella cool!

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For the record, Erika Shiragami thought that the time her and Kirk just chilled out was hella awesome. Mariner was the one who told her to get in touch with her feelings and not destroy the Breen home world.

Janeway told her to embrace her nature and kill them all

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tfw postin hapi neex =^_^=

This post is a lie.


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I'm trying to watch the latest DISCO Ep and it is really hard This is some of the most depressing and nihilistic shit i have ever forced myself to watch. Whoever wrote this deserves to be killed for the greater good of mankind.

How bad is this episode compared to the others? I don't know because I'm never going to watch.

>lower decks user waited over an hour for somebody to give them a (you)

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"Hella" is what you would have called "groovy", back in your college days, while you were wearing love beads and dodging the draft.

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>implying he went to college
That's hella optimistic w/r/t his social skills

He is just that dedicated to shitposting.

He doesn't have a life, so he can afford to sit here staring at /trek/ for an hour waiting for a reply.

Speaking of New Trek, the publicity push for the return of S02 of Picard on March 3 has started.

Paramount has a thing for these giant billboard displays for Trek, then never really promotes them on social media very well.

Attached: PIC Ads LAX.jpg (960x956, 180.04K)

Nutrek marketers know their audience of geezers well.

>publicity push
>giant billboard displays
In Hollywood / LA and that's it. They're promoting to themselves.

Speaking of New Trek, I'm pushing my prolapse out.

>sit here staring at /trek/ for an hour
There is this thing called a smartphone. It was inspired by the original Star Trek communicator. Using this device, one can check on the status of a thread at random times. Usually while taking a dump. This is why it is called "shit posting."
My suggestion is to trade in your Jitterbug for one of these devices. You can use it to look at pictures of your grandchildren and rant about uppity minorities on Facebook while on the go!

>admits to being a phoneposting piece of shit

>Usually while taking a dump.
>For an hour straight
Do oLD men really?

LA, NY and London -- typically in high traffic areas. But still, take more photos and Insta those bitches. Get your money's worth.

>In honor of WW3
I don't like your hasperattitude.

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>posting on phones is bad
Well la dee da mr. I do all my posting on a second hand Apple ][e.
Yes old men take an hour to take a dump because our enlarged prostates and angry hemorrhoids form a puzzle box that must be unlocked.

Yes Geeze, we all have phones. Not really much of a "burn" as you'd say.

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One does not watch STD for coherent and positive Star Trek adventures. One watches it because they blow $10,000,000 an episode to make fantastic special effects for people on drugs.

Attached: STD 4x10.webm (1920x804, 2.99M)

>you're a phone posting piece of shit!
>I wish the orderlies would let me have a phone...
>oh well, time to go shit up the Golden Girls General

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