Soviet Union? I thought you guys broke up?

>Soviet Union? I thought you guys broke up?

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I miss Phil Hartman

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Shaking like a shitting Joe

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>gay lover that you were gay married to dies in war with russia
>they send you a cardboard penis shaped box with a gay flag inside
>get nuked because your leaders are fucking losers and the people that control them are stupid.

>Russia takes over a small area that is largely Russian and voted to join Russia
Why are Ameriturds like this? And you wonder why America is losing relevance and collapsing.
Imagine not being able to process any world event without Sneedsons or some some other terrible show.

His wife certainly didn't.

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Remember when Joe Biden shit himself

>see someone make a joke about a cartoon online
>have literal pants shitting autism fit

Sneed Union? I thought Chuck gave up.


Such is the way of shills.

>get called out for being retarded
Many such cases

Shoo Vladovich.

This is life threatening autism. Seek help my man

>Andy Dick
>is a handsy dick
The writers are such hacks, I swear

no one cares

>schizo moeposter making more samefag threads hoping he will attract actually unique posters from increased traffic due to Ukraine situation
So sad to see lol. I spit on Phil Hartman's grave.

send all of those beta males and SJWs to go fight, I am interested to see how their diveristy is strength works out for them.

>dey flie nao?

basically it's just not my problem

I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH I know.... it's a gross violation of sovereignty and international treaties... I know....

It's just that it's not my problem is all!!!


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formerly provisional government

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Every news outlet in the US showed this last night and approval for a war with Russian went from 19% to 60%.

>just bomb civilians bro
Why are lefties like this. Cant wait for you vaxxies to get drafted for this. Have fun getting killed for what you believe in lol

>The NIGgersneeeeds....

>approval for a war with Russian went from 19% to 60%
I question the fuck out of those statistics, but I already know the news media loves to make that shit up.

I want women to be drafted in the name of inclusion.

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why do americans think anything they have to say is worth listening to? no one cared about 9-11, no one cared about their middle east shit, no one cares about russia or china

>Chuck Union? I thought you guys broke up?

rent free

You must protect "democracy" aka faggots & troons rights, niggers reparations, feminism and all these wonderful stuff. Hopefully the % will rise at 90 in a week.

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That's a really hilarious gag for a few reasons.

1. He has a button specifically to flip it.
2. It always said Soviet Union on the other side, meaning anyone could have seen it at any time and questioned why.

Europeans care about both considering they're fucking us over as well, you drooling retard

africa should care about china considering china is colonising them but justr strip mining them instead of building infrastructure like the europeans did

>bombing civilians is only bad when other countries do it