sheeeit I rewrote your DNA and you're an inferior clone of batman, terry

> sheeeit I rewrote your DNA and you're an inferior clone of batman, terry
> mah bad

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Yeah this shit was pretty fucking dumb, it’s weird how the writers didn’t understand their own characters at the end.

This really was a retarded twist.
The whole point of Terry and the Robins was that they were able to become better than Bruce.

I always found it strange how much they tried to prop up Green Arrow and Batman as the voices of reason in JLU, but especially with the former I always found him even back then to be a whiney cuck.

Batman is too big for his own good.
> sheeit we need an obsessed autistic psycho to safeguard the world because he was nice to the dying girl that one time
Or maybe autism really is a superpower.

Batman is the only DC IP that still sells comics which is why everything needs to be tied to him.

Timm and McDuffie really started getting high on their own flatulence towards the end there.

I thought Timm was high on Harley Quinn's flatulence though.

> I thought Timm was high on Harley Quinn's flatulence though.
When they inevitably remake BTAS, that will be retconned as the source of Joker's laughing gas.

The new Batman cartoon is really going to suck, isn't it?

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> no creative control
> just yes men and self-important "auteurs" who think they're in the presence of peers
> have to reimagine batman AGAIN
> each of them responsible for woking shit up
It might actually be worse than Batman and Harley Quinn (2017) and that one was just sad.

> DC product in 2022
It already had 0.1% of a chance but being a fucking cartoon in 2022 as well? DOA.


There was a line about Terry not having Bruce's superior brain, but he had his heart. I feel like that shoulda been the divide - Terry cared more about his fellow man than Bruce ever did. Batman was cold calculating and pushed everyone away. But Terry was different in that he had empathy morals, etc.

Idk. It just seems fucked up that she's like "you'll never be as good as Bruce". Terry was unique, his own man - the fight with Joker in Return of The Joker showed that.

It felt like a really botched line of dialogue where they still felt the need to explain away power level stuff. Since it was an out of nowhere Epilogue for BB, they felt they needed to explain that Terry still can't do anything tech related. The result is as really awkward and stilted as that sounds.

The movie will, yes. The Animated show, dunno. The jury is still out on that. Depends on your taste, too. I know Brave and Bold basically tanked, but what a wild ride. Which is weird considering the first time I saw it I thought it was lame. But that was the first ep and I was still high on TAS, which they will never equal. But it's actually really good if you like the West era batman. It's very much like that with the oddball villain of the week culled from decades of Batman comics.

I don't trust them after fucking up The Killing Joke & The Long Halloween.


I also think that Matt McGuiness has Bruce's DNA and would have made the perfect villain for Terry.

There was some neat ideas, but they never should've pushed Terry into having Bruce's DNA. I understand they wouldn't have had the time to deal with it all in one episode, but taking the idea of Waller having a bunch of kids pushed into Bruce's background (regardless of the Wayne DNA stuff) and seeing how they developed (maybe some go into crime, some get into crimefighting on their own, some got recruited by the government), and Terry needing to stop/team up with some of them is pretty rife with possibilities and just adds onto the ways that can be used to show how Terry is best suited to take up the mantle while still taking his own approach.

Don't get the vaccine, it turns your balls into a factory for some billionaire's cum. Every time you bust you're helping another man blow a load, thas basically gay.

Based idea.

oh no no no look at the top of his head

That and the ears means they are going for gold/early silver Batman. Not sure what you are saying. Will it be good? Dunno. Doubt it, but likely still better than the sackbag Riddler movie.

why does he look like a hunka hunka burnin love

I just hope they don't beat us over the head with Bob Kane references.

It's that Neo Gotham style, baby!

You know what sucks? Batman Beyond is already diverse (Dana, Max, etc) and yet DC will still find some way to make Terry non-white in the inevitable series/film.