Not guilty. Only guilty by normie TV pleb twitter mobs

Not guilty. Only guilty by normie TV pleb twitter mobs.

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literally who?
the limp bizkit guy?
those fags sucked

The Jinx

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guilty old fuck

Don't they lend people a suit to appear in court?

He owns many suits

Guilty of being based maybe. I don't know what happened to Kathy, byt I hope she suffered.

Based old man. Fuck all women, literally. >:^)

any true crime docs even half as good as this?

Sucks that this came out 9 months before making a murderer, yet no one watched and everyone watched that netflix garbage that unironically tried to make a very obviously guilty guy look innocent. Normies suck

literally everyone watched The Jinx you retard

I heard he did it all for the Nookie.


depends on the jurisdiction

No episode garnered more than 800k viewers you lying piece of shit.
>durr the 3 people i know watched it, that means everyone did
Imagine being this fucking dumb

Nobody pays for HBO. Just because you were late to the party doesn't mean nobody saw it. It was discussed a lot and memed. The same way Making a Murderer was. The Jinx even more so, honestly.

Jinx has 42k imdb votes while Making a Murderer has about 80k so it definitely didn't go unwatched

>based NEET accused of murders he didn’t do

>guilty by normie TV pleb twitter mobs
that's all that matters these days
Same with Weinstein (sure, he was a disgusting lecher, but not a rapist), Chauvin (manslaughter, but not murder) etc.


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it was the best because it was trying to convict a guilty man instead of exonerate one

chad energy