*saves your country*


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Good thing that evil cult is dying out

Whats wrong with chemically castrating sexually defective humans?


Wasn't the subtext that he was being accused of noncery, and not just being a poof? Poofery was tacitly-accepted in England of that era, but getting mixed up with kids was a taboo even back then.

What's wrong with being gay? Plato, Hadrian,...
Hard mode: No Abrahamism

Turing said he didn’t mind actually

>Whats wrong with being gay?
You're a faggot

Sexual thoughts are often distracting to geniuses. They probably requested the castration

It's an English tradition OP

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Dreadful movie. Did both a disservice to the real life story of the Bletchley codebreakers and Turning the man. They basically bent over backwards to deify Turing as the lone man that made Bletchley a success and THE man who basically won the war as some profuse apology for how he was treated in later life

He was molesting a teenage boy.

And that molester's name? Adolph Hitler. Yes, you guessed it - WW2 was nothing more than the mad Austrian's gambit to reclaim Turing's bussy by force

>Turing was probably a bit of an eccentric oddball in real life but still functional, socialable, and amicable enough
>movie turns him into an English Sheldon time placed to the WW2-era

Those were the days.

Nothing wrong with being gay as long as you don't act like a faggot.

No its still wrong its just bearable when they aren't complete fags

Nothing besides the stds, mental illness, suicide, drug use, molestation etc.

Plato would whoop your ass.

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Why would castration matter to a gay? It's not like there is a chance he will get the other guy pregnant and create an assbaby. It just prevents him from changing his mind later and becoming straight

the state doing anything to your body is immoral

Homosexuality, especially between a feminine boy and masculine man, is based. Some of the most redpilled cultures of history practiced it. Being “gay” is a modern pozzed leftist invention influenced by christcuckism. Ancient Greeks fucked femboys and then went on to have wives and children. There is nothing gay about that.

Fags aren't ppl

>noo the state can't help me from bumming

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Supremely based

I really hope you read a book one day.

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