Whatever happened to patriotism

Whatever happened to patriotism

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plot-twist this guy is a russian bot

All of the negative things he listed are good and cool though fuck the 1960’s-modern day

wrong board

Rethuglicans wanted to stay out of WWII also. Rethuglicans have always been fascist scum.

why do you think their color is red?

Leftists, globalists, and zog love America now because they infiltrated every institution in a bloodless revolution. America now worships sodomy and noggers. US= the great Satan. They want you to die for them. Stay the fuck home

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democrats/far leftists happened

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why are rightoids so fucking stupid?


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You need a country that's worth your loyalty first.

Communists won WW2 and it all went from downhill from there. Thanks, Churchill.

Hi Moshe.

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Right-wingers have been quite open and vocal about their traitorous views for some time now. They're quite proud of it.

They're just cowards.

Some people in here seem to be confused... make no mistake.
You are just a tax pay pig for the elites, at best the elites/your boss dont care about you (non whites) or at worst want to get rid of you (whites).
If the boss at the top gets replaced by another boss it wont matter to us or change anything we will always just be the tax pay pig.
So any expectations that i die in a WAR to protect the current bosses job who actually doesnt care about me or rather actively hates me because i am white... when nothing changes for me if he gets replaced by another boss... is just frankly laughable.

people with white skin are a global minority and now a elite that wants to replace and eradicate white people wants you to join into a war and die fighting against other whites.
Fuck that, fuck the "elite", NO MORE BROTHER WARS

Russia doesnt want to eradicate white people, replace them, enact anti white racists laws against them like affirmative action, doesnt tell the media to increase hatred against whites, doesnt tell my children they are born evil and tells every other group to unite and eradicet "whiteness".... democrats and the west do that, on a daily basis.

Putin didnt say this, but western elites that now demand white people to die for them in a war say this, every day.


No war to protect degeneracy and internal Jewish banking.

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All I wanted was a decent LOTR show, but they had to fucking bring in LE FORCED DIVERSITY, then to add insult to injury they try to pretend that niggers and femoids are the "superfans". Death to der Juden, death to America. Russia, KILL THEM ALL. KILL. THEM. ALL.

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The american right is going back toward isolationism. And it's a good thing.

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What part of "I don't want to get drafted into a war against a nuclear power" do they not understand?

"Wait are we the baddies?"

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