HAHAHA The Soviet Union returning? What a ridiculous nbotion!


HAHAHA The Soviet Union returning? What a ridiculous nbotion!

Attached: bb136526ea4b8ee673b7c0f4ff31bde1.jpg (528x487, 21.76K)

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Putin is anti communist you dumb faggot

americans don't even know what communism or where russia is

It is kind of hard to miss.

He's a loyal KGB agent.

americans think russian language is english with russian accent


Attached: 1645162998740.webm (850x850, 1.12M)

more like CIA
no one has done more for expanding NATO and destroying russia and russian society than he has lmao

The parties that control the separatist region are communist though. the leader of donestsk is former leader of ukriane communist party. They don't report this because it complicates the narrative too much.

wait what. it isn't?!

Imagine being a boomer right now you are loving it and completely in your element

look up transnistrian and russian relations, you fucking retarded american

is /fs/ still a thing? haven't been to /sp/ in years.

current america is worse than soviet union ever was

Pic related is from after the whole Russia annexed Crimea thing, 2000 Americans were asked to point to Ukraine on a world map.

Attached: 534309c3eab8eaec227e1cb7.jpg (2816x1472, 378.74K)

Americans are disgustingly bad at geography.

Attached: 2020-People-Identifying-Iran-on-world-map-scaled.png (2560x1867, 826.31K)

>A few picked Puerto Rico
I get not being sure where exactly this is happening relative to Russia if you're not familiar with the region, but some of these pics are crazy.

I hope yurope freezes to death. maybe they can burn their solar panels lmao.

Racial breakdown of who was asked
55% Mexican
45% black


The really funny thing is the correlation between knowing where a country is on a map and favouring diplomacy over military actions (as they found with this survey over where North Korea is).

Attached: C_3jG6SW0AEzvq5.jpg (712x565, 76.76K)

Hi moeposter. Howard more threads will you make today?

I wonder how many of them were just taking the piss? like
>Greenland lmao

1 in 4 random people correctly identifying a random country from another continent on a blank map is unironically not that bad

i reckon that good chunk of those that are way off the mark were some people who just picked a spot at random because they hated being bothered by retarded surveys like this and just wanted to get over it

haha lmao just pretending to be retarded

>the only one that gets things right is the white boy
>everyone else asked is non-white or women

I wouldn't call Iran a random country 2bh