Wants to eat from the cake Marvel made with a lot of effort

>wants to eat from the cake Marvel made with a lot of effort
>doesn't want to put the effort to make a similar cake

Are they out of touch?

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What the fuck are you talking about fag

Pie > cake.

Nah, it’s just literal nigger tier behaviour.

>wants to eat from the cake white people made with a lot of effort
>doesn't want to put the effort to make a similar cake

Everything they've made that doesn't involve Zack Snyder has ranged from an admirable attempt to kino. They're actually trying to make real movies, unlike Marvel. Even when one of their flicks sucks, I respect the effort.

Shazam, which was the most Marvely movie of the bunch, had way more heart/soul/depth than any of those sanitized Disney flicks do.

>meanwhile this is the company that arguably proved the concept with the HP series
When MCU was developing Nolan's batman was all the rage, and he was more or less committed to it being its own thing. Started them off down the wrong path, even if from then on they copied the marvel "formula" it'd have been too little too late.

>Everything they've made that doesn't involve Zack Snyder has ranged from an admirable attempt to kino
Controversial but true


I like the sentiment but they also have stuff like Wonder Woman which went from mediocre to bad.

We have a winner

The Batman will be their real true test
If it's kino we will know the problem was Snyder and not the studio

they just want to rush until the cake is done but don't want to take their time
they are , retarded
hope they learned their lesson after JL

The real irony is that they already had base much better than any Marvel trash. NOLAN Batman trilogy was perfect ground to build grounded superhero in reality universe but they thrown it away and let Sneeder make 150m budget gritty kids play.

The thing is, studio big wigs don't really think quality, they only think money. Quality is just a bonus if it happens.

They won the golden lion with a capeshit movie, if anyone is going to ELEVATE the capeshit genre it's gonna be them

>the cake Marvel made with a lot of effort
That's one way of putting it

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The problem besides having no direction and basically throwing shit out of wall and hoping it sticks, is DC truly has shit characters no one really cares about anymore. Besides hardcore DC fans that think these characters are cool.
Almost all their characters are silly old fashioned relics of the past that aren't really relevant anymore besides a cartoons where they're wackiness is easily showcased.
The only character that works is Batman and there is so many times that you can use Batman and his villains over and over again before people get sick of it.
There's like a million Batman reboots and there's like a million Jokers now. It's the only thing they have nowadays.

Yes. They could have definitely done that but I'm jot sure Nolan would have accepted because he already had other things he wanted to make and at the time nobody was thinking about universes, multi verses and being meta. The whole mulviverse thing was already being implied by fans for a long time now with Tarantino films and I think Toy Story too but no studio had the vision to monetize it. Whedon unironically not only gave Hollywood a whole things to make the cake, he showed them how to make it. 10 years later nobody else has tried to make a similar cake.

>lots of effort

You telling me all of those movie plots and subplots, all of those quotes that hit and had meaning 4-5 movies later, the world being built and the interactions with these characters doesn't take a lot of effort, planning and vision? Fuck off Scocersse, you out of place old dinosaur.

When I leave most movies, Warner included, I usually feel alright. If it’s shit, it was shit. A few memorable scenes and performances. But why when I watch a Disney/Marvel movie do I feel nothing but just knowing I can leave. It’s like I forget half the movie right as it ends and can only remember ‘le cool cameo’ or action scene or some dumb quip. They are forgettable garbage and the fact they are trying to force more cameos into their films is ridiculous. The MCU is not sustainable long term actors contracts end up costing a fortune and they have to write around not including certain actors they can’t afford. Losing Iron Man and Cap was already rough but when Chadwick died it fucked so much up, he was supposed to be one of the leading faces alongside Spidey and Strange.

schizo comparison

Snyder was the problem but it's not the only problem with WB.