Movie poster shows a character that in the actual movie only appears 5 seconds

>movie poster shows a character that in the actual movie only appears 5 seconds

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Glengarry Glenn Ross.

>>movie poster shows a character that in the actual movie only appears 5 seconds
>that character is the sole reason why you decided to watch the movie in the first place
Many such cases

no cap

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Gotta get women and coomers to theater seats

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I always wondered why that rooster has angry face in the promotionals while in the movie looks retard

There are like 300 seconds of Leto Joker in the movie that aren't shown in the trailer.
Yet he likely doubled the box office of this turd with the power of Da Jokah Baybee.

>censored segment on Girls Gone Wild commercial is the entirety of the footage they have of that girl
I spent $80 buying a 15 year old DVD for THIS!?

Hahaha, the primitive days of ancient COOM.

Literally 2014's Godzilla

>movie trailer completely misrepresents the movie based on a 10 second gag

originally it was supposed to be a mean fighting rooster, but they changed it for the actual movie despite all the promotional material having him look mean

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Oooh, good one!

The Simpsons movie

No Way Home is the complete opposite, the characters everyone wants to see aren't in the posters at all, (or some tiny grey smudge).

Shut the fuck up, marvel fag. No one cares.

Explain the pig tho he wasn’t even in that shit


>american poster tries to sell if as an action film with a disfigured traffic warden going on a post apocalyptic rampage
Fucking kek.

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