And just like a homosexual with alzheimers, Entertainment Weekly comes out every week

And just like a homosexual with alzheimers, Entertainment Weekly comes out every week

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frumpy betty boob was still hot

Most basedest show ever made along with X:RA.

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They outta call you Daddy!

Cuz you missed, terribly

Based series that would never be at this age.
I really wish there were more but at last, the movie was the best place to end it all.

>tfw still no blu ray transfer
Feels bad man

I just randomly remembered yesterday that sequence where Toot sees the Weinermobile rushing towards her, and in her hunger imagines the vehicle is a giant turkey. That shit is so stupid but so funny.

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They oughta call you "German Pornstar's mouth"
German pornstar mouth?
Yeah, cuz you full of shit!


was drawn together the only show that actively got away with making fun of jewish producers? Im amazed at how based that show managed to be. im glad i grew up with shows like this.

I remember Cummings buckets to that one episode where the black chick is showing the princess how to dildo herself

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Making fun of jews was kind of common back in the day, especially in the 80's.

The creators were israelis so it's okay

Stupid goy

What new type of cartoon styles if they made a new season in 2022?
I'd want a fully anime styled episode

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Theres no way they wouldnt have her do a pony parody in just exactlye her Twilight voice. Which is almsot her Clara voice anyways

The creators were literally jews.

You couldn't have a show like DT these days.


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If a show is making fun of Jews it's a dead giveaway that the ones behind it ar Jews themselves

source: just trust me bro