Could it ever be sucessfully adapted?

Could it ever be sucessfully adapted?

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Adapted into what?


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Film or tv show

sure, just do an anthology series like TCW

I haven't read it but isn't it basically structured like an encyclopedia or history textbook?
Some kind of general anthology could work I guess but it would be a lot of effort

As tv sure, as a movie? Have to be some kind of rush job that cannot cover stuff in the details it should be covered in. Might as well make it a 90 minute animated movie at that point that gives you the run down with lots of visual flare. A full 3 hour movie epic of 1 story like Children of Hurin could be kino.

this is pure SOVL

Beren and Luthien could be a nice movie too

As what? It's essentially a collection of notes in chronological order
A series of animated shorts could work

right fucking on

no. it's like 20 separate stories all with their own characters. hollywood wants a cast that will last throughout the run of the show, but in a silmarillion show, you'd have to get rid of most of the actors and hire entirely new actors for every new story, and there would be tons of awkward time jumps. it just wouldn't flow well as a movie or as a show.

A miniseries consisting of animated or highly stylized shorts. It would be kino.

I think you could do it in an animated series with multiple seasons touching different eras and characters. First season would be all about Feanor for example. Starting with his forging of the Silmarils and ending with his death. Then you move on from there. Final season would end with Maedhros throwing himself into a volcano with one Silmaril and Maglor casting the last one into the sea


Yes, though I wouldn't trust almost anyone to do it nowadays.
In order to successfully adapt the Silmarillion you have 2 ways:
>1 Option is to introduce the Cottage of Lost Play and Eriol/AElfwine, from the Book of Lost Tales; You'd have the elves of Tol Eressea tell the stories of the Silmarillion to the human Eriol/Aelfwine.
>2 Option would be through the perspective of the elves.
"But would you tie in some of the stories that are separated hundreds or thousands of years apart", you would ask
>One of the main concepts and themes of the Legendarium is the Fate of the Children of Eru. While Men are free from the Song to change their fate and quickly depart from the world, the Elves must endure all Ages of the worlds and the losses. Make its theme and emphasise it whenever mortal characters die of old age.

Attached: Eriol(Ælfwine) and Rumil.jpg (500x405, 85.07K)

Yes the songs that create the universe are all mumble rap and it would be brave and beautiful

It's structured more like the bible, if anything.

no, and shame on you for suggesting it, for now according to the law of memes, it shall be so, faggot op


yes you absolute retard. there was a screenplay circulating around the internet not too long ago (the first part of two, at least) and it was kino. now go and fucking bang yourself.

hang yourself*
faggot retard OP