Goop? What the fuck is goop?

Goop? What the fuck is goop?

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ponder the aroma

the shit on a girl's vagina when she has a yeast infection

imagine being built like the poop emoji



holy shit

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nice post


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>fat bitch
makes sense

the creature behind the sign is named Goop obviously

based and pooppilled

holy shit

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That wasn't Pepsi...

Someone has to put a stop to this

potion of instant diabetes


>theres more to pleasure than you think
I'm starting to think maybe there's not.

A new age wellness/pseudo-self care cult/cash grab fronted by a vapid roastie celebrity who was foisted up under the pretense of talent but was actually known for her (now faded) beauty.

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Her Mom was always hotter

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>this is america

thats quite obviously a british person