Do you miss having to fight over your theater seat?

Or do you prefer select seating now these days?

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So your telling me that if i sit in the wrong seat some pre order nerd would ask me to get out of his seat.

Oh I saw a couple once during the first Avengers film literally yell at a guy to get out of their "Reserved seats" and the girlfriend slapped the guy xD

Fuck no. Reserved seating is the best thing to ever happen to movie theaters.

True. True.
But even then some people will still fight over their reserved seating.


I prefer to be able to choose my seat based on where other people are seated. If you reserve a seat you will probably end up sending next to someone unless you reserve it last minute. I havnt been in a while because they havnt brought back intermission.

I hate when you reserve a seat and it feels like there's nobody who's going to sit next to you until last minute there somebody is.

every time i ever reserved a seat. It's actually something that makes me want to go to movies less.

Why is that?

Reserved seating is gay and childish. A room full of adults should be able to sit wherever they want without getting into arguments like a bunch of third graders on a school bus.

because i always end up sitting next to strangers this way.

being an adult is knowing that you can't really argue with some other "adults"

That’s why reserved seating is based, because you don’t get those gay and childish arguments. I love not having to show up ass early to save seat/seats. Fuck off retard.

I've literally never seen anything other than numbered seats. USA is weird.

I have reserved my seat since I was a kid. From what shithole do you come from? Lmao

you're actually petty enough to argue over seats?

nice legs

reserved seating is pretty great. I genuinely know ahead of time that my area will not have people next to me. I actually get bad anxiety going to movies (still love going to the kinoplex tho). God forbid if u went to a popular movie and got to the theater late and had to scramble in the dark looking for a seat like a dumbass

"Thanks, I just had them lengthened."

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You're the one who apparently goes to a theater full of niggers and kids and argues over seats faggot. Never once have I gone to a theater and not been able to find a decent place to sit unless it was an insanely popular movie and I showed up after it had already started, and in that case it would be on me for not finding a seat. You're just a bitch.

Face it. He blew you the fuck out.

You people are so pathetic that you elevate shyness to the level of a disability and end up making the world worse for everyone when dumb corporations try to make accommodations for your pussy behavior.


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how do you figure?

Reserved seating is better. This isn't a hard concept faggot.

fuck off faggot. I literally get anxious over one thing meanwhile i actually contribute to society and dont bitch about other people's neuroses. touch grass fag

I mean if you like sitting next to strangers it certainly is better.

Great figure as well.

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>we will OCK you

Not him but you're a faulty human. The world can coddle you but you're still a piece of shit.

You can have own perceived weaknesses, but once you start putting it off on society then that makes you a fucking faggot. Either stay home or man up and get over it you pussy.

Wow...this is entertainment

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