The Before Trilogy

Why does this series make Any Forums so mad?

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on the contrary, it's deservedly rather well-received on this board

most anons can't relate to anything in them

talking to a stranger without a repulsed response
being charming
attractive woman enjoying your company
walking for more than 10 minutes without having to sit down

I've never seen anyone bad talk it on here. My wife introduced me to it but every time its brought up ive seen people say they like it too. Just trying to drive discussion?

I think it's a great trilogy.

Because it's kino and Any Forums can't handle it.

I used to talk to girls. Turns out they stopped talking to me for some reason. I report a little, even though I haven't had sex with them

We like it but we can't relate. No girl would ever entertain anything we have to say nor talk to us unless they wanted something

there’s only two ways to have a thread on this website
>shitting on something that isn’t Any Forums
>shitting on Any Forums
thanks for attending my class

this is quintessential romance, shame more anons don't see it when they're 13-14 so they don't end up incel terrorists.

the first one is good and somewhat unique
the second one barely watchable
the third one just straight up terrible and uncomfortable to watch

the third one is the most realistic

just the last one because they turn Julie Delpy into a retard because they wanted to do a fight scene

First is massively overrated. 2nd is pretty good. 3rd definitely affected me the most because of the fight scene but everything else was pretty much just waiting for it

poor writing

you think that because it shows unpleasant subjects but the dialogue is the least realistic of the three, farcical at times
unironically feels like an amateur found footage short quality wise in many places

>you will never be young traveller and meet young julie delpy and have passionate sex under the stars with her virginal hairy french pussy

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they didnt have sex though

Yeah they did, twice if I remember right. They reference it.

she said it didn't happen in the 2nd one

she confesses that it did in that same one

they're all great and important dipshit

she just indulges his fantasy user, she genuinely doesn't even remember as she had thousands of random cocks