Do you see ANY truth or value in articles like this or is it just Amazon shilling?

Do you see ANY truth or value in articles like this or is it just Amazon shilling?

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Ofcourse not this is just destroying more of our culture. america was a mistake

no, and in fact i wouldn't ever see this dogshit clickbait at all without you retards spamming it all day

We need more diversity
Black panther had almost diversity. It was all black people. No Asians in the movie. no South Americans. No Eskimos. No Australians. It was all Africans

>don’t be critical just embrace product
Gee I wonder

Thrust it up and down and it looks like he's waving. That would be a funny movie scene. Imagine that as your movie.

Yes, fandoms need to change.
Specifically, fans who are just casuals who “lieked” a thing need to be told to fuck off, understand what the material is about or just die.
Gatekeeping needs a renaissance.

Of course there is truth, fact of the matter is the the Tolkien family hated their father/grandfathers work being twisted or misrepresented and used to support something clearly non-Tolkienian.
That's why they went to such lengths to shut down Warner Bros from using their Hobbit IP to market gambling games. Its just a very non-Tolkienian association

The reason why the Tolkien family wanted this show made in the first place is because they absolutely hate how his works have been co-opted by racists and bigots, they see this as more of a legacy piece to set the record straight.
At the end of the day Tolkien's work has always been about different races needing to overcome their differences, and sometimes distrust of one another, to come together to fight as one, otherwise the whole world is doomed.

I really don't care if the show has black people in it, and I don't understand why so many people here are so obsessed with race.

>why fandom has to embrace change
but why change it?
why not making some new that has your interests that you find lacking and seek to insert in this other work?

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Nah, just Jewish talons typing away for their libshit agendas.

>insecure white males with 2 inch dicks
Pick one.

i dont have to do shit. keep out

>buy rights to LotR and The Hobbit
>these stories are set in the Third Age of Middle Earth
>Tolkien Estate says you can only adapt stuff from the Second Age
>doesn't sell you rights to The Silmarillion or Unfinished Tales
>Tolkien Estate laughs their asses off
No wonder we're getting fanfiction, they're only allowed to adapt the appendices for the books they have. Amazon were played.

>work of author who called himself reactionary
>has reactionary fans

This post oozes Reddit at such profuse levels it actually makes me sick.

Yawn, libs need a new strategy.

I feel like they're contradicting themselves, first it says they need to embrace change, then it says the culture has become damaged. Is it the same or did it become damaged?

So much lying in one post

>not contradictory

The people here aren’t the ones who put blacks in lord of the rings

do black people even read books?

Yeah and daddy Bezos is the one to make such enlightenment happen.

Spoiler, Bezos is Sauron, maybe his honeyed words has you on side for now but if he weren’t a villain his workers wouldn’t need piss bottles.
They do, he’s a villain, you’re barracking the evil team m80.

Yeah and then they get called coconuts.
Which HaVInG BlaCK representation will fix! Such inequity!

I don't have to embrace kike run bullshit that hamfists niggers where they don't belong

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Who with half a brain and a differing opinion reads a headline like this and goes "shit, am I wrong?"

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letting Jews into America was the mistake. Franklin wanted to keep them out.

>people are getting mad about woke shit being thrown in their favorite universe
>That's a minority of chuds bitching loudly! Tolkien was actually PoC and gay friendly every TRUE fan know that
>Vast majority of fans agree that it this is not true and protest about woke shit
>woOw that entire fandom HAS to embrace change

They're reaffirmation pieces written for the already brainwashed.

Amazon feels like the most soulless corporation, and it's a miracle since all corporations are soulless. I guess others just hide it better. It's kinda scary that they now own LotR so there's going to be nothing but soulless Tolkien shit coming for the rest of our lives

>why fandom had to embrace the change.
No we don't have to.
Corpoturds just have to create new ip and let fandoms alone.

letting Catholics into America was the mistake. ftfy

Bezos is irrelevant, the Tolkien family offered the show to HBO and Netflix too. They just decided to go with Amazon because of the larger commitment to the production, not the fee they were getting paid.
The fact of the matter is that this show was getting made one way or another.

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isn't Middle-earth going to become public domain soon?

do people even realise the true fans of lotr dont even regard his son's work as canon.
its like the dune series problem.
trying to dictate as a company what fans should like is a recipe for disaster.

It's just getting tiresome and cringe. Political statements forced into literally every single /t/v related thing. I just want some kinos without "Oh hey look, another fat black lesbian woman with her fat black lesbian gf OH AND LOOK a fat gay white man and his skinny white bf wowwwww don't ya just love diversity in your tv shows/movies, user ?"

The goal is to corrupt


So what's stopping you from simply not watching it? If they want to waste money on a product noone wants to see, it's their problem. If people want to see it: Good for them. I still have the books and the original trilogy.

LotR fans are arguing about which parts of HoMe are canon all the time
btw, Gil-galad is Orodreth's son and Amrod burned at Losgar

nigger jew stfu

The real problem with stuff like this is that worlds that are really the product of a single vision become subject to the whims of corporations. I don't give a fuck about what Amazon thinks Lord of the Rings should be, I give a fuck about what Tolkien thinks it should be, and it's completely perverse to even try to make this show in the first place. But this is the fate of so much good pulp art.

The often repeated line that "the left is just more creative" really falls flat once you look at the people responsible for coming up with the foundations of so much of modern fantasy and horror. JRR Tolkien, HP Lovecraft, Robert E Howard, all of them were notoriously right wing even for their day, and yet every one of them has been devoured by a machine that wears their skin and spits out soulless shit like this Amazon show.

Yes, and if Christopher were alive it would have been made according to canon.
Corporations got spooked, didn’t trust the intelligence of the audience, and instead we get I-can’t-believe-it’s-not- GOT.

Grandchildren sold out, end of story.

>Why fandom has to embrace change

Why not just call it: 'Why fandom should embrace change.'

I hate how people express themselves on the internet. Youtube comments too. Instead of talking about why they like something, they have to drag something unrelated through the mud.

what is funny is that this hamfisted crap is strating to make me more bigoted than I ever have been.
Once upon a time, I was a fan of the fresh prince, but now when I see a films or show with blacks I sytematically nope out.
Same with faggots
And same with women, and I'm a woman.
Those corpoturds, are even turning me misogynistic with their shitty yass queen tropes.
They are tuely genius of anti propaganda.

Yeah yeah, same as the Anderson fanfiction in the Dune universe.

Everyone who has ever passed the test of the gom jabbar knows it’s fanfic, and the few who read that shit and it didn’t repel them? Retards.

Expect anyone who watches this show and “lieks” it to be considered a retard, and rightfully so.

post boobies

Then we would never have gotten Lord of the Rings

It's undeniable that the existence of this sort of shit tarnishes the original work. I don't care how good the original Star Wars is, I don't ever want to see it again in my life after decade upon decade of Lucas and Disney reanimating its corpse to try and capture that magic again.

It's a deep cultural problem that we are unable to create new good pulp art, but only able to revive the pulp art that was good of previous decades again and again.

You fucking what mate??

imagine taking the life work of a man, 40-50 years poured into a world, and destroying it in one year and one billion dollars.

some men just like to watch the world burn.

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What negative impact have Catholics had?