
>predominantly filmed in New Zealand giving thousands of jobs to the locals and boosting their economy
>most profits went to an American production studio
>cast actors from America, Europe and Australia, director is from New Zealand

Why weren't English LotR fans upset about all these other nations profiting off a supposedly inherently English novel that portrayed an ancient retelling of Britain? Why was it ok for the books to be bastardised like this yet it's not ok for black and brown people to a part of the new series?

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Jesus Christ mate you need a hobby if you spend any amount of time defending niggers on Any Forums

Blacks and browns were already part of the the Jackson films

>Reddit: The Movie
Who the fuck cares?

because apparently its ok when Jackson does it and its ok whatever he does. Even though Christopher and the rest of the Tolkien family hated the movies
Now the Tolkien family are actively involved in the new series, pushed for filming to be moved to the UK hiring mostly British actors and crew it's a 'raping of the books'
basically all of this is just Jacksondrones throwing their toys out of the pram, they don't care about Tolkien, they just care about Jackson

You have entered a reddit thread. Pic related: you reading the OP.

>What can I do?
don't reply to the OP, sage and move on. do not engage.

>How can I avoid this in the future?
reddit threads are quickly identifiable by trying to shame you for your preferences, and/or taking the bad faith side of the people you hate (its reddit after all). simply read a few sentences and it shouls be obvious.

Attached: 1644879257272.jpg (512x422, 28.52K)

they're both awful choices mate
in the words of the eternal comrade

"what do you prefer, tolkienism or jacksonism"
"both are worse"

Attached: 1645081621262.png (454x556, 431.97K)

>its all about the money
never go full retard.
its about ACCURACY you dope

NuLoTR is better because it has diversity and strong female characters. LoTR isn't just for Trumptards

It would be easier at a certain point to just tattoo "Unpaid Shill" on your forehead and save a whole lot of busywork.

This is just a variation of the bullshit "the sausage you ate is German and the alcohol you drank is Russian, so all White nations should eradicate their cultural and ethnic identities" argument. It's utter nonsense. Utter fucking nonsense.

You forgot
>Produced by jews

Attached: Eu2V-rNVkAEobZL.png (700x300, 283.21K)

No LOTR is for incel reddit losers who like to see boring gay elves in the forest. New LOTR is for the whole family

Thats the hobbit

>NuLoTR is better because it has diversity and strong female characters.
This idea is why American media is declining while media from outside the Anglosphere is quickly catching up. It won't be too long before everyone realizes that Western media simply is not the best anymore.

You forgot op is talking about lord of the rings

The Weinsteins produced LOTR too

Where's the hypocrisy?

Because what fucking movie studios exist in England? If LOTR was shot in england by englishmen it would look like a shitty soap opera.

>OP predominatly seething leftoid
>100% of his opinions are shit

Can't create etc.

Comes to mind that Dylan Moran was on point 15 years ago with his standup
>america is the bad flatmate of the world
>”oh sorry did I break all your shit? I didn’t know it was yours.”

Did Weistein fuck the hobbits?

>for the whole family
Yeah for you, your wife, and your children’s father.

New Zealand, Australia, and America are all English colonies, the only outside European I can think of is Viggo who comes from Denmark, which is both close by, originally connected to england in the far off past, and the origin of the anglos that give the island its current name.
Honestly its way more faithful than most actual history movies.

How does it bastardise the story of you can’t tell? They all had British accents (sort of lol), for all intents and purposes they respected the setting, characters and history. I’ve never once heard anyone complain that the setting was New Zealand or that the production money came from America, because it doesn’t fucking matter. Totally different compared to a CGI fuckfest where everything feels animated and the cast looks like a cosmopolitan HR meeting