Is Any Forums sleeping on this kino or not?

Is Any Forums sleeping on this kino or not?

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Fuck no, this show sucked, and I actually happen to like quite a bit of Korean media that's come out in the last few years. This show was just fucking stupid. This Korean Wave shit must be peaking if this is considered top shelf these days.

What should I watch then

Some good ones on Netflix (besides Squid Game) are Hellbound and Strangers From Hell, also the Korean movie Parasite if you havent seen it yet (not sure if on Netflix though). Train to Busan also is decent for a zombie movie if you must watch zombie shit set in Korea.

It got too close to dark comedy for my taste. I much preferred Train to Busan.
It was pretty good, though.

who hasn't watched squid game lol

I don't watch gook shit

I heard about it and it didn't phase me. Between movies, shows and video games I'm really sick of zombies. All the fucking monsters you can choose from mindless motherfuckers running around biting people. Make a fucking 30 Days of Night miniseries. Make a Howling series. Shit make a Night of the Lepus or Attack of the Killer Tomatoes one. I'm just not interested in zombies anymore.

>another zombie movie

More overhyped Korean-made ripoffs? You better believe I'm sleeping.

It looked dumb, only gave it 20 minutes but was bored with it.

>Its a korean kid gets bullied episode

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Why aren’t you defended your labelling of this as kino?

It's better than any anime that Any Forums keeps recommending to me like demon slayer

This genre has been beat to death 5 years ago and they're still forcing it. I feel like I've watched the entire movie already just by looking at that picture. Fuck off.

>comparing garbage to garbage
>complaining when garbage is bad.

You’re a retard for watching tranime.

I say this as a fan of zombie movies, this one sucked pretty hard.
>By the numbers, nothing really special about its basic plot.
>Characters do a fuckload of "Because the plot says so" actions
>They keep reusing the same "that's (Person I know!) DIES" over and over and over again. It's a fine trope when used as a critical moment but no joke they use it THREE TIMES IN TWENTY MINUTES to kill off characters.
>The setting isn't inventive or used very well like the train in Busan was.
>The characters are fairly interchangeable and boring and as a result none of the big deaths land.
>The ending is abrupt as all hell and the bully villain so one note its almost cartoon level.

It's not the worst zombie movie in the last 2 years but I'd put it on the level of a lower end Walking Dead episode. Cinematography is fine, some of the kills are nice, but ultimately it's just a "That sucks" to "Meh."

i've seen these korean movies and can recommend them:

i saw the devil
the man from nowhere
the chaser
the vengeance trilogy
the wailing
spring summer fall winter and spring
a bittersweet life
memories of murder
the host
the good the bad the weird
new world
save the green planet
a tale of two sisters

for some weird reason japanese can't really make good movies outside of niche examples (kurosawa, miike, kitano) and animation, but koreans consistently have big budget films (usually crime/mystery/horror genre)

i think it might be that korean people are better looking, so they appear to be better actors to a western audience. japanese people tend to have round faces with uneven teeth which is a little too much realism for msot people and breaks the veil.

what Japanese tv show should I watch

>japanese can't really make good movies outside of niche examples
after the us, uk, france and maybe italy japan has the best track record in making kino. koreans still have a fair way to go until they catch up.

>japs only make niche movies
>koreans make great movies (as long as it's crime, mystery or horror)

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great picks dont forget this one also a must see...

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You’re also retarded for being a weeb.

It could've had some zombie rape, less high school melodrama and more interesting villains. Seeing Gwi Nam get his shit fucked up multiple times got old fast.

Thanks looks good
Sorry I dont watch black and white stuff

euphoria snapped normies back to their senses that watching bug media is a brutal form of affixation