Look how red Mike's hands are in the latest vid. He really does have liver damage, doesn't he?

Look how red Mike's hands are in the latest vid. He really does have liver damage, doesn't he?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-02-23 004021.png (2882x1491, 2.72M)

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who's mike

he jerked off jay three times before the video

Hes probably just washing his hands frequently in cold dry weather dude. Covid in feburary in Wisconsin

My hands get red in the cold. The other day my pinky turned completely pale and went numb for like 20 mins. Should I be worried?

get checked out user

you must have really nothing going in your life to make dumb shit threads like this

>the movie is good because it doesnt tell yoh if he is good or bad!
>midnight mass is good because it tells you exactly how to feel, and who is good or bad!
What did they mean by this?

Michalangelo Stoklaski is a Czech immigrant to the United States. He had dreams of filmmaking in his youth but was barred from Hollywood due to his Central European heritage. He made a few crappy movies, turned to alcohol, recorded a drunken rant of his hatred for the Next Gen movies, then the SW Prequels, some furries shared these “reviews” around and he hit internet fame. The leaches Jay and Rich have sucked off most of his health and wealth, but he still maintains ownership of Redlettermedia, named after Rich’s Red Letter Day which was coincidentally the day Mr Plinkett joined the group as its 4th member.
Yes and sadly he was hospitalized not long after the filming of this vid. Rich offered to donate his virgin liver but it simply won’t be big enough. I heard a fan from North Carolina was on the way with a fresh liver. Mike should make it.

I have neat things going on in my life.

Hand flushing isn’t from liver damage but either an autoimmune disorder, high red blood cell count (usually from steroids), peripheral neuropathy (usually diabetes), or rarely high cholesterol.

Basically nothing but you’ll probably die around 50-60 from shit genetics

Mike looks like the type of guy who has diabetes.

I don't plan on being elderly, anyway.

His BMI is 23, no way it’s diabetus. More likely the cholesterol as that alcohol damages your liver which raises the cholesterol in your blood.

That's from hitting Jessi for spending their Patreon money on jewelry again.

>His BMI is 23
Here's the (You) you so clearly desperately need. Mike is now the fattest RLM.

How the FUCK do you know that

Was able to figure Rich was about 23.5 but the rest are harder due to less screen time and Jay fluctuates a lot. Post other RLM BMI if you got them.


the curse of the worst (aka vax) strikes again. the rlm grim reaper is still hungry

Attached: 8a9f3848c46342738398fafea7b92e55.png (1307x794, 558.4K)

Well heights are easy, just compare them to common objects. Weights harder, never do they say it or show health info or measure themselves on camera. Very detached from the fans. Gotta get a feel for how much weight shifts around them as they move. Slight gravitic waves emanate more from heavier guys, which is why I’ve only figure out Rich and Mike yet. I was close to nailing Beardfat down to 22-27, but he clearly lost weight by shaving his beard and growing it back.

Did he at least finish Paths Of Vengeance?