How fucked is he?

How fucked is he?

Attached: Bald.jpg (696x365, 24.08K)

perfectly fine

with all this Ukraine shit right now I'd love to see him do some videos there near Donetsk or something

spamming all day faggot kike

His youtube channel earnings are probably a 1/4 of the GDP of Ukraine.

he is the same level of fucked as all british nonce sexpats

They caught baldy crossing into belarus


he lives in Hungary

He got out of a rape charge and escaped the Chechen mafia, so I'm sure he's fine.

his grampa moishe would be proud, jewish sexpat nonce

I now believe that he was in fact an agent all this time.

>Greetings daily balders! I am here in the eastern part of Ukraine in the most dangerous region on earth!
>as you may have seen, tensions are escalating between these former Soviet superpowers and there are Soviet troops in this very region! Let’s go take a look
>hey privet! Hahaha hey!
>as you can see, right over there is a man standing guard with a Soviet rifle! Wow! Let’s go take a loo—ACKKKK

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That wouldnt happen because he's so damn boldly stupid/naïve to a point that it confuses anyone around who might cause harm.


Not fucked, I'd say.
Doing pretty well.

what movie is this


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him wearing a star of david shirt and causing poltards to sperg out was the greatest troll of all time