Texas Chainsaw Massacre

>A story of a Texan hero getting vengeance on the sly city folk who stole his mother’s home and killed her before walking off into the sunset
They don’t make movies like this anymore….

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i dont understand how its the same leatherface from 50 years back

Halloween 2018 made a bunch of money.

Which part confuses you?

If you assume he was in his early 20s in the first one it works. Granted I always figured he was older, like mid 30s, but whatever


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NEVER underestimate retard strength, it could save your life.

he should be like 70 years old then? im watching it right now but im also reading the wiki, so it says this is 50 years after the first massacre. is it a new leatherface? he looks 30 or so

>He'd be really fucking old at this point
>Leatherface was very much just a big fat guy so he shouldn't be able to tank multiple shotgun shells and a chainsaw uppercut

I can't believe they had a john wick style "getting his tools" scene for the chainsaw.


I really liked how you could hear him servicing and fuelling it


It's supposed to be the original one. You have to fill in the blanks, but it seems like the orphanage woman took him in and reformed him, probably easier given the lack of influence of the rest of the Sawyer family. And yeah they didn't really make him look like he's in his 70s. I think there was some grey in his hair

Gunnar Hansen (the actor from the original) was 26 when he played Leatherface. It's possible the character could've been younger than that. The original Michael Myers was 21 and played by a 26 year old for example. Either way that fucker is in his early or mid seventies.

grandpa was 124 fucking years old in the original. cope.

is this movie worth watching?

>"stay out of momma's room"
>chainsaw hidden in the wall in her room


Anyone else notice that the white guy got the most brutal death?

>immediately goes for her clothes and makeup

No, it's garbage.

It really is the ultimate redpill movie.
>Living peacefully minding your own business
>Group of Jews and niggers break into your house and kill your mother
>They go on to try to sell your nice little house and town to a group of heathen parasites that destroy everything they touch.
>One by one, without prejudice, simply exterminates all of them as one would do with any invasive species that threatens the harmony of whatever ecosystem they inhabit.
>After his work is done he strolls off into the sunset ready and willing to stop any other parasitic faggots from spreading their metaphysical aids to the rest of Texas, because they can't stay in their containment state of California because parasites always need a new host.

so... did they?

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yea, nothing like the first one and the story is mostly bad, but it's fun, the gore is nice, it pissed off zoomers and it's only 80 minutes long

This confused me too. After reading about it online I guess the OG Leatherface might have been just a really large teenager or early 20s and then after the events of the film he was carted away to a tard home/ orphanage where he lived with that lady for decades and no one ever found out about it somehow? Not even the woman who was tracking him all over the state for all those years. It's really poor writing.

Also the white guy does literally nothing wrong and is a hero even though they try to make him look bad

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No way Leatherface is a teenager or even early 20s in the 1st film, he is definitely a fully grown man. But this film wants to treat it like hes been at the orphanage since he was a boy which is obviously not true.
Also what happened to Drayton? Did he just fuck off after the 1st films events and leave Leatherface with this random women assuming hed be fine? The plot if this film makes zero sense and feels like it wasn't original a texas chainsaw story.

I think they actually made him look good. Him and the two sisters were the only people in the show who convey any kind of sympathy.
>One girl feels bad about the lady dying
>Truck dude feels sorry for the other girl who was in a shooting.
They made the black guy look like shit, because when they found out the lady died he shrugged it off kek

That would actually be cool though if Jeanne Clement were beaten out of her title by an inbred, ex-confederate serial killer.