What was the last movie you watched? I haven't seen that movie, describe it to me in one sentence

What was the last movie you watched? I haven't seen that movie, describe it to me in one sentence.

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pointless garbage about a brand nobody really cares about

three samefags shoot web and soifaggots clapped and shit their pants because le nostalgia

Cranial ungloving and social decay in a tall building

All the world's 'evil' leaders in modern history are pawns for a Scottish guy pissed at England for invading and the only way to stop them is to save the US president from being blackmailed by a sex tape

Everyone's so preoccupied with themselves they don't notice a psychotic killer in their midst

irish ghost steals children

I am all the jedi you know

French boy causes trouble because parents are bad.

Sad guy rebuilds new york, then dies

Encanto: sexy cartoon colombianas

A nasty cock slut teams up with a bunch of losers (minus BASED BRAD of course) I’m a dead gay muppet gang bang.

Retarded zoomers get killed because they're cunts

A midlife crisis movie that uses surrealism as a cop-out to not have to write an ending.

Twelve guys in a room, and one guy gets the other eleven to change their minds.

>Frog poster
>Retarded time wasting thread
Tale as old as time

Lesbian vampires

unbreakable, it was ok

New TCM?


Possessed cop kills everyone in small town and tries to free ancient god from other dimension

Nightmare Alley
Watch a 1940s conman become a geek.

lesbian chick goes to hollywood after winning a dance contest and kills herself

Underworld for the deleted one

The vampire lovers
70s Carmilla "adaptation"

Nothing is after a woman whose husband recently killed himself because of nothing.


princess was crazy because she was famous

Hey I know this one it's 400 Blows.

Obscure cavalier gets up