This is how the morbidly obese were portrayed in the 90s

>This is how the morbidly obese were portrayed in the 90s

Attached: AxuBVGMCAAI7KYv.png (600x448, 361.39K)

You're thinking of Newman. There were never any fat jokes at George's expense.

No, the joke is that he's a little portly. Sorry about your autism.

No one called George 'fat' except George.
It was an example of neurosis, not genuine obesity.
Newman was the fat guy, and he never gave a fuck.

I think the “worst” things they said about George were barrel chested or portly.

Kramer said he was large around the waist

A shame he wasn't lifting at the time. It would've awarded him a body that would've had him railing college girls with daddy issues non-stop.

looks like hes doing a soi face, but he doesn't look like a soijack
is my brain just mush or is there something im missing

>It's a Newman episode

Attached: newman.jpg (220x248, 11.9K)

No. He was labelled as short and stocky.
Youre stupid.
And these threads you make everyday are stupid too.

this was considered slightly overweight in the 90s

Attached: 29cates-obit-superJumbo.jpg (2048x1371, 390.08K)

They never called George fat, just stocky.

if she were alive today, she'd be the star of a show on TLC

they called him a stocky bald man all the time

how does one man get to be so fucking good looking prime johnny depp is on another level of beauty

he can lift 100 pounds right up over his head!

>this was a horrendously obese woman in the 90s

Attached: the-rosie-odonnell-show.jpg (2028x1375, 1.35M)

>still managed to fuck a new hot girl every episode
>in 2022 he would be a seething incel with 0 tinder matches

Stocky you faggots, stocky

You need to leave the internet for a few days bro, take this as a concerned shitpost

>a President of the United States personally insulted this woman