Post your favorite film of 2021

Post your favorite film of 2021.

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Youre a faggot

i laughed once watching this crap

pretty much it. wrap it up


Inside the closet lmao

Didn't see that one, but I'll check it out.

Hes always been a pretentious hack

reddit: the movie

>he thinks he was supposed to laugh

you make a better quarantine movie. then we'll talk

White guilt trash

>I'm so intelligent
>Socialism good
>White people bad

*13 year old furry girls clap*

Make a better argument then we’ll fuck u in the mouth

I was working during quarantine , not bitching about my charmed life so idiots can clap and say "Stunning and brave"

To be honest I care more about Bo Burnham's life than yours.

Best Picture frontrunner, and for good reason. Unironically kino

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to be fair my life is pretty boring , wake up go to work , go to gym , work on the house then go to sleep.

You know how when you repeat a funny joke often enough in a short amount of time by the 5th time it's not funny anymore and by the 10th time it's obnoxious? This ""movie"" is just that over and over again.

this shit. fuck off bo you're audience is the dumbest people on this planet, people who are mentally 14 and farm cats

>Oh woe is me, I just hate how this pandemic has forced me to stay inside my Hollywood mansion!
>I have nothing to do except make a comedy special for my Netflix deal! It's conditions like this that make people DEPRESSED!
>The only thing worse than this is when poor people own property or listen to Joe Rogan!

Something about Bo Burnham has always seemed kinda off to me? He’s very haughty like he’s got some serious anger management issues simmering below the surface.

He gives off hardcore rapist vibes.