Recommend comfy atmospheric films

Recommend comfy atmospheric films

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interested too

Is that a painting or a photo?


give us at least one example fucking worthless faggot OP. i clicked this thread expecting good replies, then i found out your picture isnt even from a movie. kill yourself.


ramdon rec
paranoid park. dreamy skater teen drama
climates from ceylan. couples drama lotta work on the atmospheric, lotta still shots
br2049 no joke

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school for scoundrels

Incubus (1966)

Forgot pic

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Mothman Prophecies

there is a french movie about a girl who cant sleep but i cant remember the name lol please help.

What kind of atmosphere are you looking for, OP?

Syndromes and a Century (2006)

It's like ambient music in visual form

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Villeneuve stuff

Midnight in Paris

Blade Runner?

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>Blade Runner
this, it was so comfy and atmospheric that it put me to sleep

tom a la ferme (its a bit gay though)

>le women
>le rain
wow, great painting

let's see your great painting