At least we're not speaking german

at least we're not speaking german

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>at least we're not speaking german
my favorite meme

>victim's children
what did they mean by this?

>letting strangers into your car
she deserved it

Single black mothers raise these thugs.

>accepting gigs from joggers

The germans destroyed europe and then hitler pussied out, killing himself and abandoning all of his people.

why is this on Any Forums

If she refused to pick him up she'd would have been fired and declared "racist" by the media. But she'd still be alive.

Now she's dead.

Which scenario would have gotten more attention from the media?

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He didn’t kill himself, he fled to Argentina.


Probably because he’s not found guilty yet


>those fangs
we should be thanking Jaquavious Van Helsing for ridding us of another vile creature

>daily mail

Attached: doubt.png (419x238, 83.84K)

>oh no some blown out roastie is dead
not my problem

>Television & Film
Take this to shit Any Forums you fucking aspies. Imagine having an entire board dedicated to this shit yet choose to bring it over here.
>inb4 YWNBAW
Yeah whatever nigger you will never have an original insult

>be retard woman
>see feral ape
>invite him into your car
>wtf nooooooo I thought you were like these Disney movies!!!

It's not wrong. Every western media would have gone into hysterics over the latest example of a white woman, or "Karen" being racist in public. Few seem to care that this mother of four was brutally executed over nothing though.

just post a selfie of you crying next time

How do they even know her exact same words in such cases?
>said sumtn don do it ive fo keedz ionno

Were her last words caught on tape or something? I can’t imagine her killer recounting this line during interrogation

Dash cam.

This. I do food delivery and regular taxi/uber work and i NEVER accept joggers, if i somehow accept it and don't realize, i'll get to the place and cancel when i see they're black. Also i'm eating your fries/food or not delivering and marking it as delivered. Fuck em.

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