Recommend me some kino set in a small European city

Recommend me some kino set in a small European city

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In Bruges (2008)

Amsterdam is a toxic dumpsterfire

Before Sunrise

that is not a small city, its fucking Amsterdam you retard

Shadows in Paradise

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Bourne Identity has many small city in Europa



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no it is Alkmaar


This is the biggest city in The Netherlands, and 60% of the people that are there are tourists. But if you're looking for dutch movies your best bet is finding old movies from Rutger Hauer, or Paul Verhoeven. Modern movies suck major balls. The only Dutch movie i actually liked was "Lek" which is more like a slick undercover cop movie so totally not what you're looking for.

>not a small city

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>Castelvecchio, a small town in the mountains of Abruzzo.

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clooney only makes snoosefests

It's similar but i really think it's Amsterdam. The roads look smaller in Alkmaar. Both of them are shitholes infested with kanker buitenlanders anyway.

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t. seething suburbanite burger stuck in 10 square miles of plywood until the nearest clusters of nationwide chain gas stations, car repair shops and fast food joints surrounded by a football field worth of parking lots each

Conte d’été

the paradise trilogy really captures the feel you are after
Paradise: Hope
Paradise: Faith
Paradise: Love
although Love is not set in Europe

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Depends on what kind of setting, "europe" has towns with all sorts of architecture, from 2k year old stuff to post ww2 cities

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