WTF, I love "Japanese acting" now

WTF, I love "Japanese acting" now

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chinks abort 80% of female births. you're telling me the rare few chink girls are vying for the over 600% chink boys?

This manga is so depressing... Of course written by a woman...


>manga gets animated
>It's acceptable
>manga gets live-action version
>It's utter shit
stop fucking doing live-action anime you fucking japs, have some acting and production value taste at least you fucking faggots

Japan never had a culture of killing female fetuses.
Those only happen in shithole countries like Inddia,China,Korea (all of these countries have fucked up gender ratio)
And already, 50 years ago, Japan's birthrate was only 2 while China,Korea were shitting out 6 kids per women.

Why would any man want to be with more than one woman at a time? Sounds absolutely awful.

if youre gonna be racist, at least get your arguments in order...

all fake

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Theres no reason not to chose right

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Retards will take number 49 while the patrician choice is 29

Wait is that hare kon? I'm very suspicious based on that poster because all the JAV actresses are super attractive on the cover but you quickly realize how much photoshop goes into it when you watch the actual vid.

So the the problems with each
>29: old? Career woman?
>35: thot/single mother
>49: young and impulsive
>55: fat/ugly

Dealing with more than one woman at a time is the delusion of permavirgins. When you get your first gf you'll see.

>horse bitches are all insane
>used goods
>tiktok whore
>rich slampig
I guess 55 is the intellectual man's choice

for me, it's 55.

>55: fat and desperate, rich father will be a constant pain in the ass
>49: annoying, will use you as a bank to get her own shop, fuck sideways
>35: Being 25 and has already two kids, dumb as hell, never raise kids who arent your own.
>29: traditional hobbies meaning she isnt a total cunt and still has time besides her carreer, law school means she will probably agree to any contract if it gets serious

55 > 29 >49 >35
Sex is nice, but money is better.

Hagchads keep winning

This, she's rich and seems nice. Maybe you can even get her to go to the gym if her being fatty bothers you

>Enjoy being constantly harrased by her father who just refuses to die as so many old japs do while he still keeps looking for better candidate for her

not man enough to handle polygamy? too bad for you i guess

Her father is literally going to pay you to marry her

50 million yen are just 340.000 Euros, that isnt rich at all

No. No. No. And no.

Doesn't exist, feminist bullshit

>just 340.000 Euros, that isnt rich at all

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And will kick you out the moment if he sees fit or you put a baby inside her. Its about having an heir you can shape in your image.
And as the other user showed, the amount of money is a joke

What the fuck is going on with that chink on the right's ears? Is she a half-elf?

It's not about being able to handle it or not, it's about wanting to be in that situation. And trust me, if you were in that situation you'd quickly change your tune too. It's not just sex with +2 women and that's it, you got to deal with the rest of the package.

I say this as someone who has middle eastern roots and actually know people who are in polygamy situations. It's not all fun and games, not worth it.

is the one in the middle paruru from akb48?

superior Switzerland bro here, 340.000 Euro are nothing. Especially when it comes to ruin your life with a desperate slampig.
I make that shit in around 2-3 years without bonus just by the regular salary

>obly one of the girls try to emulate the original
It's 55 even if she's a control freak and mentally ill like the rest, you'll get a comfy job and a status upgrade.

sounds like you're incapable of having female friends