Greetings, Exalted One. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight and friend to Captain Solo...

Greetings, Exalted One. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight and friend to Captain Solo. I know that you are powerful, mighty Jabba, and that your anger with Solo must be equally powerful. I seek an audience with Your Greatness to bargain for Solo's life. With your wisdom, I'm sure that we can work out an arrangement which will be mutually beneficial and enable us to avoid any unpleasant confrontation. As a token of my goodwill, I present to you a gift: these two droids.

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Credits will do fine.

Why was he so much more polite than Qui-gon and Obi-juan in negotiations? I guess they didn't kill everyone afterward like he did

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Don't worry, no charge for them

I assume that Luke's plan went off the rails at some point, probably when he fell into the rancor's pit, but I can't for the life of me figure out what his plan was. How the fuck did Luke plan to get out of Jabba's palace with Han, Leia, Chewie, and the droids after giving the droids to Jabba? I just can't work it out.

Jedi Senate had more power due to the Republic

I always assumed the exchange was plan a but then I realised he probably wouldn't leave them there. He hid the lightsaber in R2 so maybe he planned to be captured?

We also saw that he was capable of basically killing everyone and just grabbing Han but maybe he wanted to try for a peaceful solution, but again the droids.

I don't know.

The lightsaber was in R2 the whole time and couldn't be shot out within the palace because of the low ceilings, suggesting that killing the rancor and being taken out on the sandbarge was part of the plan.

>killing the rancor was part of his plan
absolute madman

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ROTJ is absolute kino, the pinnacle of all of Star Wars, reddit be damned

Surely Lando would have texted Luke about the Rancor pit beforehand.

why did lando show his face

This, he expected the Sarlacc execution but didn’t expect to get dumped with a rancor.

I'm pretty sure his plan was to get them out into the open. Luke can see the future so his plan made more sense to him than it would make to his friends or the audience.

He just pulled the mask down because he was sick of how it stank.

More importantly, notice that Jabba calls him by name. Jabba says "Lando" and "Leia" but the subtitles just say, "bring her to me".

I can see his plan making sense if he had a vision that was just all of them out on the dune sea. He might have just known that whatever he did, it would culminate in that moment, so he just made sure everyone ended up at the palace and then hid his lightsaber in R2 to make sure it would be available.

But he was definitely surprised by the rancor. You can tell he's panicked when he first sees it. That expression could easily be "Wait, I survive this? But how?"

Jabba's Palace would have made a good short serial film in between Empire and ROTJ

My guess was always that Luke had a plan but then Leia decided she was better off doing her own plan without him knowing.

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Hamill's acting in this film is amazing, his scene with Fisher on the berudge is underrated. Funny though because it was shit in a new hope.

Lando's job got shut down by the feds. Makes sense he'd have to go get a job as a doorman in the ass end of nowhere.

Yeah, the look on his face when he first sees it is the only point in the first act of the movie where it looks like his confidence is shaken.