Wtf is this shit? It's like they went out of their way to make the most boring show possible

Wtf is this shit? It's like they went out of their way to make the most boring show possible.

Couldn't even finish ep1.


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Cool blog

Attached: SCHLOP.webm (1280x720, 536.75K)


Trying too hard to be quirky

Apple TV is run by an elderly ent

Apple TV+ is second only to HBO max honestly. It doesn't have a lot, but almost everything they do have is quality.

>tail wagging
look at him go! :3

Would you eat a dog turd if in the middle was the tastiest thing in the world?

ive already had the tastiest thing in the world

>no quips
>no explosions
>no sex scenes
After just 5 mins of this shit I was broswing reddit on my phone, it was sooo boring

wtf is wrong with your taste?
apple tv is having the most boring, milktoast, middlebrow programming out of any streamer
its like if cbs would realunch itself to cater for millenials

>broswing reddit on my phone
Think I found your problem, user

It's ok.
Imagine how hot and wet that dog pussy is.

what was the black goo?

>Imagine how hot and wet that dog pussy is.
I can't decide if i should call this disgusting or based

Why is Any Forums trying to trick me into watching this? It's only 2 episodes so far. Wait for the full season.

I think watching weekly releases is fun when you have people to talk to about the show, it's why Im trying to get my family to watch it too

Genuinely is this good or not? I don't have Apple+ but the idea is really similar to a screenplay I was writing and honestly I'm pretty pissed. I don't know what would make me feel, if it was good or bad. Either way I'm pissed.

it's interesting but slow paced and not a lot happens in the two episodes that have been aired

This show is kino with lost vibes

is this similar to Devs? I want more Devs


Your outtie is good looking and women enjoy conversing with him

Attached: 5463463456365362.jpg (1724x818, 59.59K)

your outie gets many (you)s on japanese cartoon forum