This kills the 4channer

>this kills the 4channer

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Wrong I like soi boy movies and horror and Hitler

>homophobia, racism, violnce, toxic masculinity bad
>being white bad

thanks for the watchlist, all those seem kino.
i feel pity about you, being a male, but having the way of thinking of a woman, that must be awful, i hope you get meds for your schizophrenia to finally get rid of that problem.

>tfw think 80% of that graphic is straight kino
b....bros? am i Aggressively Bland?

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>>this kills the 4channer
I'm not white though.

>romans were extremely white despite evidence
Lol we wuz romans n sheet

>The Sopranos (1999)
>This viewer ignores the writer's warnings of toxic masculinity and enjoys the superficial racism, homophobia, and violence

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>being white is bad because niggers were oppressed 200 years ago

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Whoever made this obviously has an axe to grind

uhhhhhh... aggressively-bland-white-dude bros?

If you were bland for liking these "bland" movies and shows, then why do they keep trying to remake them with niggers?

>white people doing anything but apologize for slavery is bad

That mostly applies to me but I'm hispanic

to make them not bland

And (((who))) enslaved them?

Slaves had a good life compared to the modern nigger.
>home, food, clothing all provided
>only really had to work during the harvest and planting seasons
>no drugs
>less violence
>equally as educated as today
>kids actually knew their fathers
There should be a film about how good slavery was form them.

>Aggressively Bland
Who cares about that? Men shouldn't care about that.

What’s the alternative? These are some of the only barely decent films that are remotely mainstream from the past few decades. Do you want to just watch pure trash?

I am proudly sexist, racist, and homophobic, if by homophobic you mean I find it disgusting to shove your dick in a man’s asshole and get it covered in shit and getting AIDS. If you don’t find that disgusting then I’m pretty sure that makes you a mentally ill freak. It’s just like how if you don’t realize niggers are incompatible with human society when you see every “nation” they’ve ever independently built is an absolute shit hole of filth and decay, you’re objectively a coddled, irrational retard who can only think that way specifically because you are sheltered from that reality.

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what does it mean to be "aggressively bland"?
serious question

their own people. Jewish ships brought them over. They commit the most crimes are the least hardworking race and drain the most resources with no return yet somehow "white man bad" because some menopausal brainlet wrote an opinion piece in the 80s.

It means not filled with modern globohomo themes.

>american beauty
>falling down
>fight club
>office space
>"wealthy upper class protagonists"
Have zoomers really lowered the bar so much that living alone in a small apartment and having an office job is enough to qualify someone as "wealthy upper class"?

the thing I find funniest about this is that almost all of the descriptions suggest that they think the movie/show is good and the "aggressively bland white dude" who likes it just doesn't get it

This image is trash. The analysis is superficial, the insights bland, the humor falls flat, and even basic historical details are incorrect.

I’m all for taking the piss, but if this is the best these people can do - then they are literally, genetically inferior.

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Why confederates died for Jewish profits? It alwayd confused me


It’s an attempt at vibrant language by the same type of mind that thinks that Communism will “fix things”

The left side of the bell curve types

Kek. This is me to a t.

this reminds me to watch gattica every time i see it but i still cant get around it to even 20 years later

what a retarded image

Make sure you watch Kingdom of Heaven Director's Cut, the theatrical cut is botched

the joke of the image is that it's just picking random good movies and shoehorning critical theory

The person who made this list never watched the films