Is he our guy?

>Kills leftist degenerates and woke hipsters
>Kills a coalburner and her jogger bf
>Kills a tranny looking jewess
>Kills the stronk wahmen who tried to kill him

It doesn't get better than that. How the hell did they get away with this? Leatherface is like Jason or Michael, a based incel who massacres degenerates and women

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>Is he our guy?


>Is he our guy
What do you think?

Absolutely kino movie. Not gonna lie, shed a tear during that final shot of our hero walking towards his new home as the sunset.

Leatherface does like to dress in women's clothing tho.

Noice! He was the hero all along in the year of our lord 2022

The coalburner kill was way too tame, at least the Jewess and nigress got properly fucked up

Kills were great much like Halloween kills. Good to see based slashers taking out everything I hate. Everything else about the movie sucked. Stronk Wahmen comes back after literally being impaled by a running chainsaw, Texas hero white guy runs at LF instead of getting his rifle, stupid ass zoomers and their phones recording LF coming on bus trying to "cancel" him. Fucking Stupid


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They could have improved the film by having Leatherface wear his mother's confederate flag instead of her face. Also he should have captured the final girl.


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>it's a Any Forums pretends to like a literal 0/10 trash streaming film because muh politikal sports teams episode

that ending was trash
he appears from nowhere

thats true, but no one takes our side in the media
I'm sure the director and producer have to make at least one diverse quota meeting to make up for muh racism or whatever

inb4 the director publicly stating how he didn't intend the movie to be about hurting those with certain political affiliations and how that's like wrong and how he is a big supporting of #BLM and transgender rights.

You're just doing it again

He has to have super human strength in order to handle a chainsaw like that.

Might have been one of the worst films I've seen in years. Transparent attempt to copy Halloween 2018 but with just nothing going on. No plot, no character, just a bunch of empty shallow references and weak gore. I'm not even convinced the people who made it even saw the original film.

I don't judge films based on whether I feel like MY TEAM are scoring imaginary internet points. If you do, you're better off on reddit where they've got upvotes to obsess over.

God I was so pissed troughout the movie because I thought they wouldn't have the balls to let the strong independend black woman die. The scene where she "defeated" leatherface was pure cringe but the ending made up for it.

She had a nice ass

Is this seriously how you lumps watch movies?


there's plenty of children on here who basically just spend their lives soiposting

she still does, user. she's not really dead.

>he appears from nowhere

This your first horror movie, user? cuz that's a well known trope.

No. That's how I watch "modern" interpretations of old horror flicks. Everytime they announce that they're making one the immediate questions arises "how woke is it gonna be?"

>Is this seriously how you lumps watch movies?

Get a life dude

Get some fucking taste in movies.

What, like this fucking trash?

I don't know nigger, you're defending this shitshow

>Try anything and you're cancelled bro

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im pretty sure she would be shrieking and screaming after being cut like that but she was like "eh"

bitch started shaking way before the saw touched her neck, megafail

Best line in a movie in a decade.

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Really, where was that?

>cuz that's a well known trope.
I know, but i found that death stupid, very rushed

movie was trying way too hard to be "current", gonna end up dating it immediately instead
just another garbage Texas Chainsaw film, that 3D one with Daddario was also pathetically bad

>dating it immediately

Eh, it happens. if anything its gonna be one of those movies that you rewatch in 20 years and say "aah yeah, look sweetie.. that's those woke faggots that daddy used to hate on"
when I look at Jaws 2 I'm like "oof, those horrible bathing suits."

pic related was good

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this. they should have made it timeless like the original which could literally be today

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