Essential Marxist kinos?

Essential Marxist kinos?

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>the only alternative to capitalism is communism

So what is he recommending? That the sharks rule over us instead? Damn I love Marxism now

i propose all roads should have a 20 mile per hour speed limit. this will cut fatal accidents down to practically zero. to be against this means you do not value human life.

Why don’t we feed sharks Marxists to placate them.

>I believe capitalism and communism are both bad so I'm going to shun communism while I continue to live under capitalism and do nothing to upset the status quo

>Mayor lies about work place safety in order to meet economic quotas.
>good old boys go out and get vengeance
it's a blood and soil nationalist piece.

Cuba leaders killed people people for the greater good of the state.

Technically the mayor didn't close the beaches down because he didn't want to lose the next election, not because he wanted to make money.

you ok with us doing fascism then?

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>Please don't go into the water user, there are sharks.
>Oh so you want the sharks to win huh? HUH? Fucking commie, imma get bitten to death for capitalism.
I think the obvious alternative would be to close the beach until the professionals have time to deal with the shark. Which is exactly what is proposed in the film, but refused because 'muh profits'.

that's a lot of assumptions

>laughs in Scandinvian

i have never seen jaws

fascism is not an economic model you moron

>giving a shit about money

based castro

Marxism is for bootlickers that enjoy working long hours for little pay.

Imagine not being a Libertarian.
Imagine cucking yourself to central banks and governments.

who told you that? some jew?

Snyder's capeshit is surprisingly progressive, for capeshit. Eisenberg's Lex Luthor is probably the most damning depiction of the modern capitalist I've ever seen. Part Mark Zuckerberg, part Elon Musk, part Milo Yiannopoulos, every bit a disgusting little weasel.

Castro killed millions of his own people and impoverished the rest.

Inb4 muh embargo cope

Wasn't it a practical retarded mayor ?aka govt lying to people aka Communist Modus operandi

Why is it that 99% of people who have strong feelings about "communism" or "Marxism" have no idea what the fuck they're talking about? Marxism is not a prescriptive ideology, it's a lens through which society is to be interpreted. A movie where a boss fucks over his employees to make some extra money is not a "Marxist film", the term borders on incoherent. There can certainly be Marxist interpretations of film, just like there can be any number of other lenses through which art can be interpreted. Marxist interpretation is generally the most compelling because class struggle is universal whereas others are much more compartmentalized.

Yes, that's how the Jews set it up. The ones who break free are killed.

Holy shit kill yourself you bootlicking marxist drone.
Go back to north korea.

pol pot killed 1/4th of his own countrymen. You think commies give a fuck about these things?

Marx made predictions.
Those predictions have turned out to be dead wrong.
Marxism is wrong.

Michael Mann thinks his own film Thief has marxist themes but he's a retard who doesn't understand his own screenplay
It's really about small business trying to maintain its independence, getting muscled on one side by the government (crooked cops trying to extort taxes from the working man) and on the other side by corrupt unions or possibly franchises (the mob violating its contract and taking advantage of its members)
>I can see my money is still in your pocket, which is from the yield of my labour. You are making big profits, from my work, my risk, my sweat, but that is okay because I elected to make that deal, but now the deal is over, I want my end and I am out
>why don't you join a labour union?
>*shows pistol* I am wearing it!
In fact it's practically ancap, with the way he tries to adopt any kid but the rules and regulations of the adoption agency would rather let a kid rot under the miserable care of the state than take a chance
>I was state-raised, and this is a dead place. A child in 8x4 green walls, after a while you tell the walls 'my life is yours!'
Castro was a retard, as if that wasn't obvious
The mayor is a sympathetic character and not a caricature of businessmen
The survival of the island depends on summer tourism
He's obstinate but he's not evil, and when it finally hits him ("my kids were on that beach too") he steps aside
In the book
If jaws was made in current year he would probably cackle evilly and throw a worker to the shark or some shit

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My Prime Minister says the corrupt mayor from Jaws is his favourite movie character because he kept the beaches open and let people die to protect the economy...

And yes, I know he and his deputy prime minister are both Jews for all you Nazis, that has NO bearing on this at all.

>billionaires are bad even though their actions don't negatively affect my life whatsoever

tryhard bunkertroon

Marx made predictions.
Society will inherently and naturally progress from feudalism, to capitalism, to socialism, to communism over the course of history.
Marxism has thus far been proven correct.

Why do communists hate communism so much?

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Yes, the commie I responded to definitely was.

In the book* he was indebted to the mob and that's why he refused to close the beaches, which is retarded, the film version is much better

nah you are.

How about deal with the shark before letting people in the water instead of going "there is no shark problem in this town because if we had one it would hurt our profits"

>Marxism has thus far been proven correct.
No he hasn't LMAO
Society didn't progress to socialism. In fact socialism failed miserably.
I bet you believe the rate of profit is falling as well.

Winstanley 1975

Why do big dicked communists make amerimonsters seethe so hard?

>No he hasn't LMAO
yes he has kek

They do love eating each other.

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>im retarded

Keep waiting on that rate of profit to fall lmfao
Any day now
The revolution is just around the corner LOL

post nose you babbling retard

Castro the acorn dicked child rapist is dead

Infiltration to get the proles to focus on racial/sex/trans other irrelevant issuss instead of class which is the only issue.

>commie jew calling others jews
lol so obvious
