Since he was a replicant designed for combat then what kind of shit were they fighting off world?

Since he was a replicant designed for combat then what kind of shit were they fighting off world?

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Xenomorphs and Space commies

Rival corporations

space cyberpunk corpo warfare kino when


>He was a replicant designed for COOMBAT.

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>Colonists who decided that multi-generational indentured servitude was too high a price to pay to live on a barely inhabitable rock where life is constant drudgery and rose up against the corporate overlords.
>Corporations whose lawyers have determined Earth laws don't apply in deep space, allowing for a radical redefinition of "hostile takeover."
>Please ignore that stone temple over there, we'll be clearing that out to make way for the boxite mine once we've eliminated the threat posed to workers by aboriginal xenomorphs who our lawyers assure are non-sentient beings.

Id like to think that the Guy from Split Second fought a Xenomorph in 2008 and some years later, Tyrell modeled a Anti Xeno Replicant after him, making Roy

Bugs, other human factions, dinosaur replicants.

The sequel seems to strongly imply to me that replicants somehow dominate space.

Blade Runner and Alien take place in the same universe

y'know i never thought about it all that much but wasn't it said they could survive temperatures below absolute zero?

I like the theory that Dutch from predator was the basis of the T-800. Cyberdyne eventually became Hyperdyne in the Alien universe making androids to replace replicants.

how does it imply that

Against ruthless obedient soldiers trained since child

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The replicants bad chick says its home and strongly implies it’s hell for a human being.

You know the subplot in the film about the great power outage? How it wiped records of births.
Niander Wallace probably is a replicant and was responsible for it.
It was quiet revolution by the Replicants. They wiped the slate clean, then he appears and starts a company that’s aim is complete replicant domination

Replicants wwere work drones, adaptable to every envoirnment in space and made illegal on earth.
But I dont know why they werent used to rebuild the polluted earth of blade runner, guess they liked being misrable.
The used Reps in Space werent sentient I believe and only had a lifespan of 4 years, so dunno if they "dominate" rather than exist

SeeBasically it was a take over by the slave replicants without humanity knowing.
That’s why between the two movies it changes from human bladerunners to replicant bladerunners . Replicants secretly rule earth

Soviet Union still exists in the world of Blade Runner.

>human blade runners
user, I...

Same in Aliens

there aren’t any temperatures below absolute zero (0 K/-273.15 C) user, hence the name

By 2049, the unit employed the use of Nexus-9 replicants such as K and operated under Lieutenant Joshi until her death.[6]

Then explain population inversion in a lasing medium, brainlet


??? Replicants weren’t employed as Blade runners in the first movies time period

Seems like a lot of speculation, I think the reason why K is used as a (and the only blade runner we acutally see) in BR2049 is, because the Nexus 9 are the most obedient slaves ever created and its 30 year later.
Look what happened to our society in 30 years time

True it’s speculative but a lot of things seem to subtly point to Replicants ruling earth.
Like the way Luv is shown calmly nuking human scavengers. Symbolising the power has reversed.

really interesting discussion itt
that's kind of the reason i like the world of br so much, we have no idea what life is like off-world, leaves a lot to the imagination