Why does the first Iron Man feel so different from the rest of the MCU? Feels more mature, has lees stupid humor...

Why does the first Iron Man feel so different from the rest of the MCU? Feels more mature, has lees stupid humor, the dialogue is better, and is more serious and dark at points. Even Tony feels far more complex and interesting than just a jerk. Then the next two all go to hell.

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Disney. Also checked.

Because they decided “it’s ridiculous source material it shouldn’t take itself seriously”


It does have an atrocious third act though

Just another “my arch nemesis has the same powers as me but is evil” capeshit

The scene where he fights Terrorists is pretty great. The two first acts are pretty good enough. But like it goes to shit on the third. Still a good movie. Better than most MCU movies, if not all.

Disney bought Marvel and released The Avengers. The Avengers was directed by Joss Whedon, who is known for his quippy dialogue and levity. Avengers made $1.59 billion. Disney said "Make all of the movies like this."

Because they had no idea if it was going to work. It was a huge risk despite there being a few other successful super hero movies before and they put everything they could into trying to make it good so it could jump start the MCU. They actually tried and cared a lot, and Downey was still trying too. Tony acts differenct in this one that he does later, he didn't ham it up as much and took it more serious. Also it was before Disney.
Look at footage of iron man in this compared to how the suit looked in later movies, it's crazy how much worse it got.

>Look at footage of iron man in this compared to how the suit looked in later movies, it's crazy how much worse it got.
The first suit was real, right? They only used CGI for all the rest, but they made some pretty good shit for this movie.


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because it's an actual movie (minus the post credits scene)

it's a paramount film

Yeah. I believe IM1 was one of the last movies Stan Winston worked too

Because it was made under Paramount

MCU needs another iron man. just a single movie that doesnt tie into anything else just a cool little supehero movie. all these dumb connections are ruining it

You're never going to get a scene like this again in Marvel ever.
It's not quippy or bing bing wahoo

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>thing is success
>take thing, make it less rough around the edges, easier to sell toys and attract a wider audience, do it as many times as people buy it
>why is thing 43 not as good as thing 1?
this happens to all kinds of media since the dawn of media
and you cocksuckers STILL dont get it?

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It's also problematic, can't portray arabs like this anymore. Only grey CGI aliens as bad guys allowed now.

Stop being a little bitch they all feel the same, Iron-Man is the only MCU movie that is a character study

It was written and shot before the financial crisis

Maybe you just got older?

Iron Man 1, Hulk (2008 and Thor 1 really made it feel like the MCU was going to have a more serious tone.