The only two black characters were responsible for the events of the entire film

>the only two black characters were responsible for the events of the entire film
What did they mean by this?

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How was the black girl responsible?

She went someplace she didn't belong.

Leatherface was responsible for the events of the film.

You're victim blaming.

Ummm sorry sweety, but Leatherface was the victim here

Two strangers break into your home and attempt to destroy property. Your elderly mother offers them refreshments and polite conversation. They insult her and sick the police on her which causes her to die due to health problems. He was justified.

No, Leatherface is a mass murderer.

Nope, he killed people who had nothing to do with all of that.

Leatherface is a hero.

Mass murder? I only see the second amendment being put to good use.

Everyone he killed was responsible for it.

he was standing his ground, he din do nuffin wrong

Leatherface did nothing wrong.

The only one responsible for it was the black guy who lied about having the deed to the house, everyone else was unaware that he lied about it.

The black guy wasn't even aware of it, his black fragility just went off the charts and instead of selling the rest of the properties and then letting the bank deal with her he got the police without justification.

The bank failed to buy the dees then reported they did in time. The black lady was part of the bank.

i coomed

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Why was the black guy so retarded?
>old white lady worked owned an orphanage
>literally helped many kids over the years
>says "i even helped a lot of negroes like you" (as a lot of old white southern ladies might say)
>black guys flips out and leaves
Black fragility

Self defense isn't murder, chud.

I genuinely thought they were gonna let her live. Thankfully I was wrong. Favourite moment in the entire film. I clapped and cheered.

>Why was the black guy so retarded?