
Honestly, my main problem with Cad in this series is that he somehow looks younger than he does in Bad Batch or Clone Wars. Also the hat.

Attached: CadBaneTBoBF.png (810x810, 657.91K)

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Well first off, he's an alien.
Duros to be exact.

i had a dream i was old boba and this blue guy was hurting me

i haven't even watched the boba fett show i know nothing about modern star wars

i just see these characters from your threads


Fixed it for you

Attached: maxresdefault (21).jpg (1280x720, 54.47K)

Why didnt he use the rocket boots

Its been about 29 years

Wowwowwo alien trhatl loooks cool and does fucking nothing"!!!!

this is why star niggers is dying

He looks fucking awful, all the copium from Disney Wars fans is embarrassing.

Cad Bane?

He's a blue guy

There's some interesting subtext in Cad's encounters with Boba, maybe the two Mandalorian-centric episodes should have focused on Boba's bounty hunter past.

Literally nothing wrong with how he looks

His voice is better as well.


I thought he looked fine, but you can't convince me they couldn't have done a better job matching previous live action Duros. What bothered me is how underwhelming his presence in the show was. I'd have much rather had more Cad Bane in place of the wanky Ahsoka/Luke stuff.

The design is fundamentally off, and they have OT Duras and even 3D plastic figures of Bane to work with. Was the Disney penny pinching so bad this time around and they deemed Filoni's OC not popular enough to warrant fidelity in design?

>Faster than Boba
>Stronger than Boba
>Smarter than Boba
>Thinner than Boba
La Daimyo bros...

Attached: book-of-boba-fett-cad-bane.jpg (1284x856, 310.96K)

i hate disney as much as anyone else on Any Forums but i like that they did it with enough practical effects to make it seem "present." i'm tired of cgi bullshit. i think it looks great. anyway, still not watching this piece of shit show

Cool effects used to bring this alien to life but incongruent with preestablished designs

>deader than boba

Mouth too high and not long enough.

Attached: Chad Bane.webm (1280x534, 2.97M)

Are you blind?

Attached: Bane_and_Sidious.png (1000x425, 511.96K)