ITT: Characters that represent the users of Any Forums

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He's too based to be a Any Forums representer.

is he a sexpest?

quagmire hasn't been funny for decades I have no idea why they haven't killed him off yet

Attached: Chuddie Got Drip.jpg (1024x1017, 117.36K)

Quagmire acquired tons of pussy on a daily basis and knew how to talk to women.

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i like the new direction they are taking his character, making him a soft cat-loving basedboy yet still deeply perverted, it feels more modern, that's how sex pests are these days, very different to the rapists of old

Who found this shit funny?

I laughed at this just in text form, its clearly very funny

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Not trannies that's for sure.

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This pretentious faggot is pure Reddit. Has balls lecture Brian on being a piece of shit when he’s literally a rapist and a pedo. Fucking him

Based and Beavis pilled

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>actually has sex with women
>has a successful career
>has social life
are you retarded?

Attached: file.png (210x210, 32.05K)

This, quagmire radiates pure redditfaggotry