Jason would fucking wreck Leatherface

Jason would fucking wreck Leatherface.

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actually this was debunked

The question is, would Jason wreck obnoxious sjw's, intollerable woketards, uppity ethnics and the whiteknight who came to save them? Because Leatherface just did and it was delicious! Until then Jason can go suck Freddy's balls.

thir girl was insanely hot

Jason would stick like hell and there's no way anyone wouldn't know he's in the room.

All that shit is a regular Friday night for Jason, bitch.

>Jason would wreck Michael Myers and Leatherface as he is a zombie with supernatural abilities and they are humans
Power level-wise, Michael and Leatherface are above everyday people. While Jason would be stunned by a chainsaw or butcher knife to his body. He would eventually shrug it off to murder them.
>Freddy, being a dream demon, would be above Michael Myers and Leatherface due to the same logic of how he is all-powerful when his victims are sleeping. He would, mostly, get wrecked in the real world due to strength differences.
Look at horror movie monsters/villains and the power level scene is retard as we'll never have villain A vs villain C.
>Gods > Supernatural creatures > enhanced humans

Leatherface is an actual, medical overweight retard in a mask with a chainsaw that throws temper tantrums. Jason is an undead monstrosity who doesn't need any weapons to kill, and in fact is pretty good at brutal improvisation. Of course Jason fucking wins.

Same user here. I just remembered the alt ending of Freddy vs Jason that had Pinhead get involved and ask "gentlemen, what seems to be the issue?"
The same can be said with Ash vs. the Evil Dead on the power level faggotry scale.
>Gods (Cenobites) > Supernatural creatures (Jason or Freddy) > Human monsters (Myers or Leatherface) > Human heroes (Ash or the lone movie survivor) > everyday humans as fodder for kills

Nispel’s Friday the 13th has one of the best fuck scenes in movie history.

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How was this DEBUNKED?
Jason is a supernatural zombie.
Leatherface is a guy that carries around a chainsaw.
Even if Leatherface decapitated Jason. It wouldn't stop him for that long.

Attached: Julianna Guill - Friday the 13th_2-500.jpg (500x208, 15.81K)

The remake is legitimately good and the best movie in the series.

>Jason would fucking wreck Leatherface.
Let's be 100% clear about this: Mortal Jason, before his resurrection as an unstoppable force of nature, would fucking wreck Leatherface.

Jason > Micheal Myers > Leatherface

Leather face is easily the weakest mainstay slasher villain. He’s just a big fat retard.

Black Christmas killer is weaker. At least Leatherface has retard strength.

While it is gay Jewtube. I remember watching an almost hour-long video breaking down every major horror movie monster or villain that killed multiple people.
Jason, the zombie version, was in the top 25 on power ranking due to how much damage he has received. The fact I remember the video host used was that it took the US government to capture him and they suffered heavy losses before he was finally locked down.

>people still overlooking the superior Jason
nu-Jason, a.k.a. Victor Crowley would wreck them all as he rejuvenates almost instantly. He'd simply win the war of attrition. You could blow him to pieces, and he'll simply rejuvenate and come get your ass.

Attached: nu-Jason.jpg (2000x1333, 409.02K)

Fuck him up, bind him, tie him up in a bag, lock it in a crate and dump it in the sea.

I like everything about these movies except for the kills and the gore. Everything else is fun and comfy.

>blocks you're path

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>fuck him up
He'll kill you in the process.
>bind him
Good luck with his super human strength.
>tie him up in a bag
How the fuck will that happen?

Unlike Jason that needed magic demon shit to survive getting blown up, Crowley would simply respawn at his home.

Never seen these movies, so can't compare.

Asian dude was the best and has to be a record for playing 3 different characters within a horror franchise.

Did they buy Corey Taylor's Slipknot mask and just put barbed-wire over it?

>A group of aspiring actors are chosen for a reality Horror TV show where they must survive a slasher movie. In time, the actors discover that the show is fake but they Slasher is real; who has been sent out to kill them.
This sounds similar to a Troma movie called klown kamp massacre.