ITT: We discuss Danish Oscar winning cinematic achievement Another Round (originally Druk)

ITT: We discuss Danish Oscar winning cinematic achievement Another Round (originally Druk)

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Overrated garbage.


he got too druk

imagine drinking

What a life!

pointless movie, it literally doesn't have a point to make, it just ends randomly and leaves you wondering why the fuck did you just watch some boomers get drunk for 2 hours?

because it's kino

Literally - a remake of this and The Big Lebowski.

Good movie, anyway.

Attached: Afonya (1975).jpg (900x675, 115.38K)

I will never not be DRUK again

this movie caused me to spiral back into alcoholism and i have not recovered since

The dance scene.

Attached: Afonya (1975).gif (240x320, 629.14K)

so they just killed their friend and continued drinking?

what a life

I just got home from an event where they were making custom drinks. I drank too many and still have an extra shot of my favorite I brought home. I've eaten very little today, drank half a bottle of vermouth + beer last night and plan on drinking more as night falls.



They had to druk it on


where did all the druktards from the other thread go? i'm still sipping me beer

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Why didn't they write the fucking thesis? The whole movie based on academics writing a thesis about alcohol and they didn't fucking wrote it. Also: name one person on earth that can't swim, who owns a boat. What kind of One Piece fanfic was this?

>name one person on earth that can't swim, who owns a boat.
He was drunk and the water is cold in denmark even during summer. His body cramped up when he fell in the water, not an uncommon way to die as an accident.