Reminder that the D-She-U was inevitable once this happened

Reminder that the D-She-U was inevitable once this happened

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Nobody cares. WW is not even a real hero. Women belong in the kitchen and Superman and Batman belong together having lots of sex.

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I hope you get banned.

God, I hate Wonder Woman. She's such a pointless and shoehorned character. No-one gives a shit about her or her backstory.

>Wonder Woman box office: 822.3 million USD
>Man of Steel box office: 668 million USD
Seems like critics and audiences alike disagreed
Or at least cared more about Wonder Woman and her backstory than Superman and his

>friend saving her friends
I bet OP wonders what its like to have friends.

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Wonder Woman was a money laundering scheme. Literally no-one went to see it, apart from a single person that Tweeted photos of completely empty theaters.

Been around since 1941

Is all this seething about WW a joke?
I don't think anyone should care enough to get this butthurt desu senpai

Wonder Woman sucks ass

Wonder Woman is my favorite capeshit character
the Wonder Woman movie is shit

>Wonder Woman is my favorite capeshit character

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>Literally no-one went to see it
And yet she gets a sequel while Batman and Superman don't

>What is Justice League
>What is Justice League: Snyder Edition
>What is Justice League: Black & White Snyder Edition
Batman and Superman appeared 3 more times, ya goof

why? that shits funny

for you

Yes, shoehorned. Because she's a woman, she has to be put on the same level as Batman and Superman. She's fucking useless.

Congratulations, you've exposed yourself.

>ensemble movie
>the same ensemble movie's straight to streaming director's cut
>the same ensemble movie's straight to streaming directors cut, but in black and white
Meanwhile, Wonder Woman got all of those movies, and Wonder Woman 1984, plus a third Wonder Woman in production

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>literally a goddess
>has to be put on the same level as a nigga in tights
I hope they do The Hiketeia for WWIII

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Reminder that WB owns a decent share of Rotten tomatoes. For a while they were wholly owned by WB.

>And yet she gets a sequel
would be better off without it

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"A higher rotten tomatoes score MEANS the movie is BETTER"

Actually this was debunked