Watching this again for the first time since it came out

Why did this make the right so angry? It has absolutely nothing to do with them or their views. It’s about the subtle often ignored racism of liberals. It couldn’t have less to do with open unapologetic racism.

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>why were the right retarded about something

the right are racists so they get defensive about it, its why they are trying to ban CRT and books in schools.

>Why did this make the right so angry?
Because "REEEEE N*GGERS!!!!" they can't think about a piece of media with a critical eye.

>constantly simp for niggers
>still get called racist and subjected to dehumanizing propaganda
Why are baizuo like this?

I'm right wing (formerly liberal) and loved it for this exact reason. It was a subversive movie about Peele's experiences as a black man among liberal Jewish Hollywood elites. The fact that he slipped it past them and they didn't even understand the message makes it even more enjoyable.

>wypipo bad wypipo check privilege
>yes even liberal wypipo
They all got the message of the movie and they pat themselves on the back for it

Fuck niggers.

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please have sex

Lose weight.

>Why did this make the right so angry?
dont confuse detest over this shit as "angry"
the real question should be why the left hailed a shitty stepford rip off with joggers, as the "greatest masterpiece in history of movie history"

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right wing racists are like chinese room. They see something and they act automatically without understanding the thing they are reacting too. They see black people and they screech. It's as simple as that.

Who got angry?

You still constantly see threads about it here just about everyday. Subject lines in all caps- it really got under right winger’s skin.

that's hilarious level of gaslighting. Chuds are screeching about this movie and Peele to this day.

Literally no one. Right wingers loved it because of the message. The left loved it because it had a black guy in it.

>Right wingers loved it because of the message.

Nobody wants to be a nigger, that's why.

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Based. They remained calm and armed when the cringe weakling tried to confront them with a lame sign.

>Based. They remained calm and armed when the cringe weakling tried to confront them with a lame sign.
no one sees it that way chud

>the left doesn't see things the way they are
We know.

Only thing that made people annoyed was the constant shilling of it like it was a legitimately most groundbreaking best movie of the year. It was a good comedy film with almost tv movie direction and production, nothing groundbreaking.

Cowards, I'm sure if the protesters got in they'd be mostly peaceful.

But the rioters didn't get in because good strong folk were there to stop them. That's why the cities collapsed during the riots and looting, no strong people to take a stand for what is right.