This is so fucking boring and unfunny

This is so fucking boring and unfunny

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To be honest you have to be pretty low IQ to enjoy south park.

all the tegridy farms shit and the last couple of seasons overall cemented the fact that i don't like south park anymore.

Cut-off was season 13

why won't they let this joke die

You faggots always bitch specifically when they shit on eric. Hmmm I wonder why...

I did laugh a bit when Stan was reading lord of the rings in the black voice that was actually quite funny.

Yeah I was hoping they'd let the Tegridy shit end this season. Doesn't seem likely

>still butthurt they mocked trump for a full season
You poltards are so transparent and easy to identify


More like season 8.

is Any Forums now remembering how terrible south park was before they switched to season-long plotlines in s18/19? you all complained about how "terrible" season arcs were, now we're back to story of the week trash and surprise surprise, its a thousand times worse

I started rewatching the show again. There are episodes I hadn't seen in 15 years. South Park used to be incredible. Season 5 and 6 are masterpieces.

Mr. Garrison being Trump was based as fuck.

I liked it. Better than the last 2 episodes


Unironically yes

Eh, the Token gag was p gud. Aside from that, South Park hasn't been irreverent in a decade and that's pretty much what made it funny.

>tegridy farms
I haven't watched south park in like 10 years, but I keep seeing this tegridy farms shit. What exactly is the joke? I know it's Randy's pot farm, but why "tegridy?" Is it just a goofy pronunciation of "integrity?" Is that the whole joke?

Yeah, it's the "durka durr day took muh jerbs" joke again.

>Is that the whole joke?

Welcome to 15 years ago. Glad you finally caught on.

>Is it just a goofy pronunciation of "integrity?" Is that the whole joke?
Basically, randy is trying to affect a simple country twang to make himself seem more folksy and down to earth

Are you saying your mom cant afford your schizo meds because the Republicans let the pharmaceutical companies in your country rape you?

i liked the specials, jew cartman was kino

south park is getting paid money to tell you the same leftoid globohomo messages that the news tells older people who still use television. south park, and almost every show, of course.

I actually like ebonics Tolkien dad too

yeah i remember 5 and 6 from my rewatch as well, up there with the best animated television of all time.

I think they're too scared to joke about anything now, so weed jokes are all they have left. The last time they pushed the line was the Macho man episode, they're not going to do anything like that ever again.

This. The show died with the Pewdiepie season

then stop watching and promoting it here