These are the actors zoomers worship

>these are the actors zoomers worship
What happened?

Attached: wtf.jpg (1200x799, 274.71K)

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Where is Tom's mask?

The generation before us failed to raise us properly. Childhood development and socialization are extremely important in someone's adult life, and it's all Millennials/Gen X/Boomers fault we're all fucked up.

Don't have kids if you don't have a plan.

The girls below don't wear any either

Me on the right... hahaha,..

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LMAO dont blame millenials for this, we didn’t raise you that was gen x.


>a tranny
>nobody over 5'11

Attached: WELLYAKNOWSOMETHINMEANGENE.jpg (642x361, 40.39K)

imagine your bro asking you if you wanna go to a >rags game with him, his gf, and his gf's friend. you're thinking "oh cool, kinda like a double date, maybe I can fuck her" then this troon shows up and you have to be like "oh yeah you're so hot and sexy with your androgynous face and feminine penis"

What species is that?

Attached: apuke.png (714x574, 68.69K)

millenials aren't your parents, retard

wtf are you??


Reminder Brie was at a ufc event and no one in the audience clapped for her.

yeah that mutt is no prize himself, I think the tranny is actually too god for him

Why do some zoomers wear masks, others dont, and other do the chin thing? Weirdest shit i ever saw


Apparently zoomers vastly overestimate the danger of covid to them, fuckin idiots

That was fast

Millennials would've been in their early to mid twenties during the 2000s to 2010s, and the zoomer generation starts in 1995 to 2011. Yes there would be Millennial parents raising zoomer kids and they definitely would be old enough to watch actors in pic related, learn math retards.

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Who's that guy


Attached: FKSrzf9WUAMxySu.png (1125x1166, 1.51M)

Tom Hollands brother

Attached: shutterstock_editorial_10564826w.jpg (450x300, 32.51K)

He needs quick access to any male orifices, a mask would hamper his need for male seed

I don't mind zoomers, but generally they need a mentor to instruct them in the Before Times™ before they can get a grip on reality and understand fully what was, what's been lost--and what's been deliberately destroyed. They lack context. The people educating them want them to lack context.