Video games can't be kin-

>video games can't be kin-

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idgi, which vidya and what happens

I know I've seen that ... is that Battlefield 3 campaign or something?

I think it was Modern Warfare 3. 2 had the No Russian mission, so they had to up the ante and kill a kid in 3

It was comedic how every cod had a shock scene after mw1

>what happens
Terrorist attack happens, you play as bystander getting btfo.

crazy how it went to that and then the reboot/prequel MW comes out and kids are the ones doing the killing
and the house raid where you can shoot a baby

Finish the word you fucking retard
that was the most pretentious and attention whore thing Activision did

second life is kino

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Is this a DVSA driving theory test video?

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Unironically, actually. William Fichtner is in it.

for me, it's postal 2. i still have fond memories of killing gary coleman by blowing him up with many grenades. that fucker was tough as nails.


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this was such a pathetic attempt at having a shock scene

needs a sepia filter for the dead eye and it would be perfect

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

I was a big fan of mw2 but then the mw3 campaign was so lame
the setting was entirely gray, empty european cities and it felt like you were just shooting your gun the whole time

I'm really hoping Modern warfare 2 takes place in Mexico, imagine the endless kino

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you have no idea

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the GIGN missions were epic doe fr