If David Lynch directed it everyone would be calling this film a masterpiece

If David Lynch directed it everyone would be calling this film a masterpiece.

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David Lynch isn't real

but people are calling it a masterpiece

Everyone does it call it a masterpiece

Kino of the highest order

not true because it wouldn't have the same kind of humor
don't get me wrong, I think David Lynch can be funny if he wants to be, but Tom Green and David Lynch do not share the same sense of humor
it would basically be a totally different movie

They don’t already?

Who says it isn't a masterpiece?
It's essential early 2000s Kino

>this time you cant change the channel
imagine bragging that tv networks dont wanr the rights to your film

if it wasnt for his weather videos id believe you

I liked it as a dumb comedy as a teen. Should I watch it again to find the deeper meaning?

David Lynch is such a gay nigger faggot
his movies are all literally teh penguin of d00m tier

it's dumb
jackass is also very dumb
don't be dumb


>Freudian imagery and motifs
>Complex father/son relationship
>Satirisation of stock comedy tropes
>Deep exploration of what it means to be a man v. animal
>The female as both a representation of feminine freedom and virginity
>Themes of birth and life, with a conspicuous absence of death
>Mature handling of child abuse
>Womblike/uterine themes of desire
>Classic bildungsroman with proper buildup and payoff
>Masterful use of Brechtian techniques
>Subtle Verfremdungseffekt
>Successfully masquerades as trashy lowbrow comedy

Truly the artistic masterpiece of the age.

>Themes of birth and life, with a conspicuous absence of death

What about the house getting destroyed? Demolishing your birth home is a death cycle

Paraplegic who is eager to give head is worth it, yes?

Backwards Man

Attached: Backwards Man.jpg (474x266, 13.91K)


the problem was the writing and acting. Fred Green was Harlon Williams lite.

most of the jokes weren't delivered in a funny way. had the writing of an MTV show, not Comedy Central. crap.

wow, I did not get either one of their names correct. THE POINT REMAINS.

A challenger approaches.

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